I know you do care about this :) Take a look…another reason to flash n2o3 :)

Hi guys these are video taken from the 28th Attempt ๐Ÿ™‚
FIRST: A HINT FOR EVERYONE… WHAT I JUST DISCOVERED IS THAT THE AV SYNC IS NOT GOOD AT THE FIRST VIDEO AFTER EACH BOOT!!! I always read it was not good only the first time you changed values—> false… it’s not good every first video you make after rebooting your phone…

spent the whole night working on this…

Seems like I got an excellent result!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
I mean, it is excellent in my opinion!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Take a look at the videos and tell me what you think of them ๐Ÿ™‚



I’m very happy now…

time to got to bed, it’s 04:26 and my lesson starts at 11:00 ๐Ÿ™‚

cheers guys ๐Ÿ™‚

I know it’s not 100% perfect (it will never be imho) but this is VERY GOOD AV SYNC!!!

18 thoughts on “I know you do care about this :) Take a look…another reason to flash n2o3 :)

  1. You achieved great A/V sync there and if anyone tells it’s not 100% perfect… we humans can tolerate small discrepanicies such as few miliseconds I guess (not that I measured or noticed there are) ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. looks very good!
    have you solved the problem with the bad videos on every reboot? that would be genious – otherwise we have to take a video every time after reboot to get better results (i switch off my phone every night…).
    is it maybe a caching problem? the thing with the cache should be solved if it’s possible anyhow – then the gallery would open up faster and slide faster through pictures, the big folders would open faster, the video issue would be gone and so on…
    looking forward to your firmware, n2o2 is great!
    saluti mario

    can’t change those things…sorry

  3. Hi Faenil

    you and Andy are the answer of our prayers, which unfortunately samsung people couldn’t answer.

    and interestingly your ROM are quite different from HyperX rom which is a good and healthy sign.

    keep it up and i really look forward to see Symbian ^^3 from you on our powerful yet underdog Omnia HD.


    when u are releasing N2O3 ………..any deadline?

  4. I want to ask if he could go full picture when an incoming call. Can you do the new n2o3

    I don’t know how to do that…have you ever seen it on i8910? is it a lacking feature? or is it a mod?

  5. Nice achievement Faenil!!! Great to know that! Now we can enjoy great HD recording ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Personally I use D1 resolution on most videos (as itยดs enough for most things and trouble-free) but better to have great HD video when I need it ๐Ÿ˜‰
    One question: after boot, good AV sync is after the FIRST movie (eg: 720×480) or FIRST HD (1280×720) movie? I suspect that AV sync go to do with some buffer initialization (buffer to start saving on the flash memory?) which is needed on the first time after boot.

  6. Che checca che sei, sono andato a dormire alle due…e credevo ti mettessi al letto anche tu, mi hai sorpreso…sei un grande…cmq per quello tutto bene, tutto funziona alla grande…ora ti mando un sms ahahahaha…che checca pontino

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