We’re on allaboutsymbian and gsmarena and on Tamss60! :)

Hi guys today the first article about this blog has been published on allaboutsymbian.com, one of the most famous websites about symbian smartphones 🙂

I just wanna say thanks to all of you who are supporting me and my work 🙂

moreover, me and madhacker have also appeared on some Italian blogs, this means that people are appreciating my effort, and I’m glad to know this 🙂


EDIT: It seems like gsmarena has also published an article on its blog! wonderful! 🙂

EDIT2: It seems like Tamss60 also accepted tu publish an article about our work! 🙂 wonderful! 🙂

37 thoughts on “We’re on allaboutsymbian and gsmarena and on Tamss60! :)

  1. well, if it make’s you happy, I’m personally posting your news on the bigest iranian forum. if it doeaent make you happy, sorry. :mrgreen:

    wow, send me the link once you have published the post please 🙂

  2. nothing to be surprised about that….everyone here knows that u a doing an excellent work….really appreciate ur work
    thanks a lot

    you’re welcome man 🙂

  3. Samsung did a bad job on their firmware compared to how amazing the hardware is on the i8910. Your firmware is waaay better than any Samsung original firmware. Bringing QT to an allmonst dying os like Symbian is brilliant. Keep up the good work!!!

    thanks man 🙂

    our phone doesn’t operate all WMV file and chance to work on that 😆

    wmv is a proprietary format, I don’t think there’s any chance…you need a 3rd party player…

  5. Look make ur n204 same as n203… Speed wise and stability wise…

    Use same kastor effects of n203 and Use Same kinetic scrolling values in n204…

    Same as n203 no 3d navigation and no 3d task manager… If anybody wants put them with an app powerboot.. Also base firmware with only eng…

    No need to made an special app to on/off turbo and waste time… One can also put turbo app which was used in hx v5..

    Ppl always says hx v7 camera picture quality is better than n203… If thats true… Try to look on the hx v7 and try to give better camera in n204…

    And ppl also always says that hx v7 battery is better than n203… If thats true then try to look on hx v7 and try to give better battery in n204.

    most important Put some new thing in n204 from hx new firmware v8 firmware as fixed kinetic scroll in music and portrait keyboard…

    i am sure if u make a n204 like that ppl will cum to u back from hx firmwares as the same when u give the n203..

    There is one thing which i always wanted from the time when i bought this phone.. Can u disable landscape mode in music player… Coverflow sux.. Too slow.. Nobody uses it… Its so annoying.. Try to stop landscape mode in music player.. Plzzzzz..

    thanks for your opinions…
    I don’t know how to disable the coverflow…

  6. Hi Faenil!!

    just wondering about the kastor effects, i would like to see this effect on our i8910


    but i talked to dscobsct (creator of those effects) and he said that i8910 kastor engine is older and less functional than N97’s. so im asking: any changes to port N97 kastor engine? i would give more eyecandy to i8910 and symbian reallyreally needs that! 😆

    bukest is already working on this, I’ll wait for him to tell me if he had success 😉

  7. this kastor are too much elaborated…4 me the mobile becomes slowly .faenil..only one request…can u make an only italian version?or a “base” ita and eng?

    I don’t think I’ll make an ita only version…

  8. but you can always turn kastors off or chance them 😉 im just that kind of person who likes eyecandy on a phone. speed comes after that, especially when it doesn’t affect in speed that much anyway IMO 🙄

  9. Hi mate. as you probably have seen, a new and very interesating app is now out for our phone. Capree ION Battery , but sadly i have to say that there are some problems with i8910 battery API, or something like this. Can you help ? or do something with it ? Thanks.

    I don’t think I can help with it, you should contact the developer…

  10. Hello FAENIL

    May you please integrate the proper working PYTHON package in your N2O4 please ? Because we faced many problem with the losing the Python runtime with the 3rd party apps.


    I’ll try if I have time, but I read many times that python is difficult to integrate…

  11. @ Daniel Hi

    I tried to use Capree ION Battery like you and I found that there are some problems with i8910 battery API, or something like this. Also tried to use Ravensoft Battery Extender v1.14.2 S60v5 and when I use it with the maximum option it turned of the GPS every time I want to use it so you can not get the signal.

    Just use the lower profile in Battery Extender so that it doesn’t disable gps…

  12. 1.) I have a lot of apps and I do not need python!
    2.) Battery is not better in HX-V7.
    Go to hidden menu *#0228# and hit “Back”.
    Press 4, 1, enter ’57’ and press OK.
    Leave with # and reboot your phone – done.
    3.) Samsung photo-codec is best – I tried them all.
    Just set contrast and saturation to -1.
    4.) Please get rid of that ugly KS in menu because my icons do not respond
    when I have less than 12 in one submenu!
    Thanks Psykitt

  13. @ Psykitt what do you mean by these steps :

    .) Battery is not better in HX-V7.
    Go to hidden menu *#0228# and hit “Back”.
    Press 4, 1, enter ‘57′ and press OK.
    Leave with # and reboot your phone – done.

    more info please


  14. You adjust the battery meter with that.
    With this value it is more balanced and my value was ’71’ before.
    That means that it switched off earlier – this is not good for the training
    of the battery.
    Do not get me wrong – you cannot adjust the battery consumption with that!
    But you can adjust the point of closing down and the balance of the seven bars
    of the energy-meter (e.g. one bar lasts a day and the other six are for the second day).
    The real consumption always depends on the running tasks and the homescreen.
    I do not think that the basic tasks differ much between the cooked firmwares.
    I personally stopped using the orange tsunami homescreen as it cannot go into deep standby
    and cancelled the 3d taskman.
    My battery increased much – I had full bars after one and a half day last week.
    Back to the point – as XotusBlack of usp-forum found out, most of the german i8910 have
    a value >70. This is the value for the second bar from below.
    This has the effect that the last bar hold very long compared to the others
    and the phone shuts down at 55.
    The russian phones have lower values – mostly around 60.
    57-60 is very balanced for the meter and the phone switches off at 42.
    This is a better training for the battery.
    But you should not set it below 57 because it might cannot boot again
    and do the alarm for you in the morning after switching off with battery empty.
    I hope I explained it a little bit.
    I use basic homescreen with widgetizer from pnht – the standby is very good with that.
    Greetings Psy

    I would not rely my battery on that trick…

  15. Sure FAENIL and madhacker read our comments and try to do the best of them to present to us a fantastic N2O4.

    I ALWAYS read your comments as soon as you publish them… 😉

  16. the opinions which i gave will u keep them in consideration ?

    of course I’ll keep them in consideration…that doesn’t mean I’ll make the same choices 🙂
    I still haven’t decided anything about n2o4..

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