n2o5 – Tiger, RELEASED! :)

I’m still getting ready for the launch, which will be in about 20mins…

but I wanted to publish the instructions NOW, since they’re very important, because there are some changes.


1) Make hardreset

2) Flash n2o5

3) Flash language pack, if you need any

4) INSTALL the sis package which is in Z:/n2o5_mustHave.sis, using FileBrowser, which you can find in Office submenu. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP BECAUSE IT WILL INSTALL INPUT KEYBOARD FILES, SYSTEM SOUNDS FILES, AND SOME OTHER THINGS. READ NOTE1

5) REBOOT i8910, you’ll hear no sounds and no vibration until you reboot πŸ™‚

NOTE1: IF YOU WANT TO USE SWYPE, DESELECT ALL THE 44 LANGUAGES AND SELECT A MAXIMUM OF 5 LANGUAGES DURING THE INSTALLATION OF n2o5_musthave.sis…IF YOU’LL INSTALL MORE LANGUAGES, SWYPE WON’T WORK. I know it’s boring to deselect all 44 languages, but unfortunately symbian gives no choice, you can’t have them all deselected by default πŸ™‚


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Β N2O5 DOWNLOAD PAGEΒ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, if you think I have helped you enjoy your i8910, and if you think I have helped you make your i8910 better, consider dropping a donation using the button on the right (the pig-shaped one, yes πŸ˜€ )…just think of it as if you were offering me a beer or something to thank me for all the time spent on i891o for the community :)…this firmware took months to develop… πŸ˜‰ if you can’t afford it, no problem at all πŸ˜‰ I hope you’ll enjoy my work πŸ™‚



116 thoughts on “n2o5 – Tiger, RELEASED! :)

      1. ciao faenil…riesci a fare un tutorial completo di installazione della n2o5 e pubblicarlo su youtube per tutti quelli che non hanno una grande dimestichezza con l’utilizzo delle installazioni????grazie

  1. ciao Faenil,
    se faccio il backup su scheda ( per intenderci quello che si esegue da “Gestione File” ) posso poi ripristinarlo ?
    Io ho la n204, ma lo “StartBackup” non parte piΓΉ e nemmeno il faenilator πŸ™
    Ovviamente mi serve solo il backup della rubrica e dei messaggio.


  2. Pingback: Faenil ROM n2o5 rilasciata!! Ecco le novitΓ !
  3. Hi, thanks for a super update to my Omnia HD, but one thing, swype wont work, i did choose only two language from the n2o5_musthave.sis , than i installed swype international from samsung pc app, when i go to app on the phone there is the swype “setting” app, and i can open it and do things, but when i go to txt boxes(sms / notes / browser / Contact etc) there is no swype to be found, you cant choose lang or option or anything. Did i install it wrong? do i have to load the sis. file to my phone and install it? or is it ok to do it with samsung pc studio?

  4. Svaka ti cast!! πŸ™‚
    Great work Faenil, i really like this new app i8910tuning πŸ™‚
    And phone is very fast and stable… i dont like only the icons πŸ˜€ and the wallpaper πŸ˜€
    Thank you!!!

  5. Hmmm i’ve got bigger problem, hung langpack doesn’t work correctly. The point is, that Polish language not work. It’s mean, I’ll choose Polish, phone will reboot’s and nothing’s happend, meaning everything is still in english.

      1. IΒ΄ve flashed langpack. I check hungarian lang, if it will not work. I try to re-flash.
        I’ve got n2o4 and there Polish lang works fine, so I know how to flah it πŸ˜‰

        1. I check hung lang – itΒ΄ missed.
          So itΒ΄s two possibilities:
          -I fu** up something – re-download lang, and instal it.
          -Installer is broken, or somewhere is bug.
          I check it and write whatΒ΄s happend.

  6. Faenil la tua app e’ fantastica sia come grafica che come funzionalita!!wow!
    Pero mi aspettavo una nuova homescreen invece ne trovo una di meno…la Tsunami..vabbe la reinstallero non e’ un problema.
    Per un giudizio finale pero devo provarla qualche giorno
    fin’ora ho avuto qualche problema(come nella hxv11)con startbackup ho perso tutti i messaggi πŸ™
    Diffida da chi dice che la rom e’ stabile visto che cel’hanno montata da 3 ore

    1. beh la rom ce l’ho montata da mesi ed Γ¨ stabile πŸ™‚ poi se fate cavolate che ci posso fare πŸ˜€ ovvio, se ci sono bug si risolvono, ma per ora non ce ne sono πŸ˜‰

        1. Gracias a Vd. Faenil, seria interesante poder instalar algo parecido al HXPatches, yo tambien tengo el Galaxi S2, y me gusta mas mi antiguo i8910 con su N205, Saludos,Felicitaciones

          1. Thank you to you. Faenil, it would be interesting to be able to install something like the HXPatches, i too have the spaceships t S2, and i like my old i8910 with its N205, Greetings,Congratulations

  7. dear feanil
    nice app you made man ! the i8910tool is awesome . and hx custom roms there is nothing left to do for the i8910 ? i donated all whats on my paypal for today . (not much) when my paypal is refilled i will donate some euro’s more πŸ™‚ for this great fw !
    GREAT job man ! i love it this firmware fit the picture 100% !!
    tnx to bring my i8910 back alive ! πŸ˜€

    greets! and keep up the good work !

  8. dear feanil
    nice app you made man ! the i8910tuning tool is awesome . and hx custom roms there is nothing left to do for the i8910 ? i donated all whats on my paypal for today . (not much) when my paypal is refilled i will donate some euro’s more πŸ™‚ for this great fw !
    GREAT job man ! i love it this firmware fit the picture 100% !!
    tnx to bring my i8910 back alive ! πŸ˜€

    greets! and keep up the good work !

  9. Pingback: SYMBIAN TECHNOLOGY » The i8910 gets a new lease of life – from ‘faenil’s pit’!
  10. Why MY E: Drive formatted . I lost many things.
    Can I recover them ???? It lost All old Backup files in e:\Backup..

    Please Faenil Stop E drive Formation Next times I try to reset.
    β€œMuch Required is No E Drive Format”

    1. E drive has to be formatted, because you need a clean system when you’re switching firmware. Otherwise you’d have bugs.

      this has been the same in all custom firmwares except maybe fallen cfw.

      I’m sorry for your lost of data…

      1. Don’t be sorry Bro.
        I have used Fallen earlier so get used to it.
        Anyway I found 90 % material. From last week backup only lost massages totally.I bought 16GB card today that solved problem with giving extra space to backup regularly.

        You have done Wonderful Job. I love new WDR optio on off system.
        will find a way 2 donate may be from a friend as I don’t use credits.

        ” Solution For Restarting” – dealing with Domainser in c:\sys\bin.

        I removed it and solved everyrestarting problem.
        Please inform on page if possible.

  11. awesome fw..!!
    thanks Faenil,
    tuning application UI is great.. good work faenil, the mobile companies should take ideas from u. m still exploring other things in n205…

      1. hi Faenil,
        mmmm …
        mmm.. i wanted to ask about…
        hope u got..!
        actually m scared of getting answer as no(sorry).
        ok, here is my qustn..
        any chance for lcgjuke…

  12. complimenti faenil

    la rom Γ¨ uno spettacolo,un fulmine,il nuovo faeniletor Γ¨ fantastico!!!

    sei riuscito a creare davvero la rom delle rom

    nei prossimi giorni provvedo a a darti un contributo πŸ˜‰

  13. Ciao Faenil,
    io fin’ora ho avuto 2 problemi
    1)Startbackup:quando riavvio per creare il backup il display lampeggia all’infinito con la scritta “samsung i8910 hd” e bisogna staccare la batteria e addio backup.
    2)ieri sera ho spento il cell(anche per vedere la nuova schermata di battery charging :))e ho attaccato il caricabatteria…di nuovo la famosa schermata lampeggiante solo che stavolta la batteria l’ho dovuta staccare per 3 volte,in quanto si bloccava sempre sulla famosa scritta
    Da cosa potra mai dipendere?
    me lo faceva anche con hxv11 sono sincero πŸ™‚
    Ma io credo di non sbagliare nulla…
    Help please!

    1. guarda sinceramente non ti so dire, bisognerebbe chiedere a madhacker di controllare il suo programmino…

      per il problema del caricamento, quello Γ¨ risaputo, non c’Γ¨ niente da fare

  14. Hi guys,
    has anyone problems with startbackup or with the “SAMSUNG I8910HD” flashing screen??(the only thing to do is remove the battery)

  15. Hi Faenil,
    Kudos!! for the great firmware, I really appreciate the Feanilator app, it is so great and smooth.
    Just want to report one issue, you may be already know this,
    When you take a picture file name of the image is good and it takes your current date as part of the filename which is good, caviar actually is in the file details section where it says data and time when picture is taken, in this you always see 1 day and 1 hour off (earlier) from your current time.

    Is this fixable or is it already embedded in the jpec codec engine.

    Thank you again for the fantastic cfw.

  16. I my opinion the settings for the orientation was very useful in the HX patcher maybe in an update of the i8910tuning app you can add it. It would be soo great πŸ™‚

    1. Quote!
      Very often happens to open the various menu in portrait mode and instead it opens in landscape mode.
      I’d prefer for example menu and applications menu in portrait locked mode.
      In the future, calmly, you think you can update your awesome πŸ˜€ i8910tuning app?

  17. ciao mitico! ho un problema:quando ripristino un qualsiasi backup in cell si avvia solo se tolgo la memory,altrimenti rimane bloccato al boot.

  18. Ciao Faenil,
    allora..effettivamente come diceva “themask007” cancellando il file c:\sys\bin\domainsrv.exe sembrano essere spariti i problemi relativi alla famosa scritta lampeggiante SAMSUNG i8910HD
    Ora pero chiedo..a cosa serve quel file?
    la sua assenza puo compromettere la stabilita generale?
    Tu ne sai qualcosa per favore? πŸ™‚

    @ themask007
    Your solution works at the moment!!!

  19. Hi,I’m writing from Italy.It’s my first time I’ve flashed your rom and I find it more stable than hyperX one but have problems with some apps that do not appear as Ovi Maps,the swype does not work and the the qt package are corrupted,could you do something?

  20. have applied for a paypal accnt so something small from my side soon…meanwhile i have a strange prob..everything was fine for a day after the flash…but then i tried uninstalling gmail app and installing again and now i cant install any apps..when i click installed app a black screen comes and nothing happens i return back to same menu..i tried hard reset too..any clues?

      1. ok did a hard reset and installed all usual apps again, but when i rebooted the phone goes in to a loop..had to hard reset again ..sigh..spent an hr installing apps..this looks like a potential bug..wdyt?

  21. Hi, I have a question about the language pack.
    the Chinese language you provided only have China and Hong Kong version
    There’s no Taiwan version.
    I’m just wondering if there’s a way to flash a taiwan version.
    Thanks a lot.

  22. allora,il problema che molti non vedono le applicazioni in ovistore dipende dal fatto che l’id Γ¨ del 5800 mentre quello dell’n8 non c’Γ¨ quindi ovistore vedendolo come 5800 omette le applicazioni per n8!!

    faenil poi inserire l’id dell’n8 nel user agent??

    un’altra cosa,visto che hai creato nel tuner delle sezioni per cancellare cartelle vuote e cache,puoi crearne una per cancellare la cartella C:\private\1020735b che riempie la memoria c: senza motivo??

    1. nelle prime versioni di i8910tuning in testing c’era l’N8…poi l’ho tolto perchΓ¨ effettivamente lo useragent nei file dell’N8 Γ¨ vuoto!….

      vedrΓ² come funziona bene questa cosa πŸ˜‰

  23. ciao faenil…hai fatto un lavoro strepitoso!!…comunque volevo chiederti se mai farai un animazione di accensione e spegnimento per la nuova n2o5?

    1. non penserΓ² farΓ² una animazione πŸ™‚ se siete in grado di farla, mandatemela e la metterΓ² sul sito πŸ˜‰ per ora c’Γ¨ lo splashscreen modificato πŸ™‚ non basta come animazione? πŸ˜€

      1. meglio senza,allungherebbe solo i tempi di caricamento!!

        una delle cose migliori di questa rom riguarda proprio i tempi di caricamento che sono fulminei!!

  24. Hi faenil,

    Nice work on the latest FW for i8910, as usual.
    But I think I spotted a problem, I don’t know if it is a bug or anything. The things is I was trying to connect to the net via 3G network. My mobile phone shows the Icon that I’m connected to the 3G network, but when I browse the net (using default browser or Opera mini) the error “Webpage not found” always displays. When I check my credit for my subscription there is no deductions or what so ever. The setting for the data connection is working in my other mobile device(IPAD and Samsung Jet). But using Wi-Fi connection I didn’t encounter any problem. I came from the Philippines.

    I hope you can give me some derection to solve this problem.

    Thank you!

    1. My problem is “webgate not found ” when i access the internet via default browse. The second thing is my phone can not start again when it run out ofpower or I turn it off when i install about ten apps

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