AntSnesQt 0.7.1: support for i8910! Download it now!

Antsnes is ready guys! πŸ™‚

It is a supernintendo emulator for Symbian, that I fixed to make it work on i8910 πŸ™‚

Go get it at summeli’s website! πŸ™‚

It now supports i8910 and SE devices πŸ˜€


Thanks to Summeli for keeping this emulator alive πŸ™‚ keep going bro! πŸ™‚

29 thoughts on “AntSnesQt 0.7.1: support for i8910! Download it now!

  1. Ma come cavolo si configura?? a me da sempre memoria piena e quelle 2 volte che sono riuscito ad entrarci non riuscivo a configuare i tasti. Ho installato le nuove qt e virtual key..uffa!

    1. everything is compatible with everything, If You have the people who make the software for it.

      if you mean will we ever see meego on i8910, the answer is an obvious NO

  2. Ciao Faenil,
    per evitare spiacevoli inconvenienti con la gia critica hxv11…chi avesse installato per es fontrouter,che e’ incompatibile con le qt(per es startbackup crasha e riavvia all’infinito il cell),puo installare questo emulatore??

    For those that have installed fontrouter(qt not compatible)is it working antnes emulator?

    Grazie per eventuali risposte

  3. How did you guys get this to work? I installed the QT package sis. I installed the AntSnes sis.

    Emulator loads, but then when i laod rom and click open, it freezes and i have to take the battery out to reset πŸ™

  4. ^^ it doesnt let me install the qtmobility sis. im guessing this is why?

    it says to try to reinstall another package that is unsiged or something like that because it doesnt work with ‘this manufacturer’.

  5. I can’t seem to load a ROM, keeps giving me a memory full error. I don’t have any apps running, with 173MB or RAM, 27.3MB of free space on C:, 6.9GB of free space on E: and 2.0GB of free space on F:

  6. This is USELESS, whats the point of these games when there is no MULTI-Touch.
    Completely useless, don’t waste your time and money downloading this.

  7. faenil io nn riesco a configuaralo o meglio ho provato di tutto ma quando carico una rom me la visualizza in verticale tagliata a metΓ  e non visualizza i comandi inltre mi impalla il cell e sono scotretto a rimuovere la battery :S
    non sai mica quale puΓ² essere il problema?
    (ultime qt installate anche perchè se non non funziona .-. e gli altri prog non mi danno problemi) dici che sono le rom? al massimo puoi postare i tuoi settaggi? grz mille ;D

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