n2o3 startup/shutdown Animations and sounds :)

Hi guys a friend of mine (girl) created some nice animations
for n2o3 πŸ™‚

Download, Extract Anim folder, and copy Anim folder to E πŸ™‚ done πŸ™‚

The startup sound is from ubuntu, I like hyperx’s idea πŸ™‚


15 thoughts on “n2o3 startup/shutdown Animations and sounds :)

  1. Great Faenil my wife send’s you a big tank’s and respectful kiss for the samsung’s sound πŸ˜€
    My mariage is safe again πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

    looooooooool nice πŸ™‚

    I finish the her phone now all is working fine no bugs dammit πŸ˜› πŸ˜›
    go to sleep now my friend πŸ˜‰

    I’m not going to lessons tomorrow…it’s too late to go to bed πŸ™ This is the second week of skipped lessons for this firmware…but it’s all finished now…

  2. Faenil think about your life, Rom’s is a nice thing thei came and they go, but your personal life must be in first place you can’t lost a year in your studies think twice πŸ™„

    I hope it’s not too late…will start to study tomorrow

  3. I hope so, start tomorrow your studies ,your work for now is done.
    One last question before i go to bed, have you notice any diferences betewnn modem jb1 and jc1 ? i have jc1 instaled and didn’t notice anything.

    some friends told me JC1 is more battery hungry when used in mail push mode

  4. Ok i will try it to see, last time i flash the modem was in my wife phone ,man it stoped a 99% i was white dead for 10minutes Lol 😯

    ahahahah lol

  5. Ciao faenil, complimenti per il tuo ultimo capolavoro!
    Volevo segnalarti una cosa (mi scuso se qualcuno l’ha giΓ  fatto notare altrove): per far funzionare le animazioni originali Samsung Γ¨ necessario rinominare il file “SysAp.mbm” in “shutdown.mbm” dopo averlo copiato in “E:\Anim”, altrimenti l’animazione di chiusura non viene eseguita.
    Un suggerimento: perchΓ© non metti a disposizione anche le animazioni originali (quelle con il getto d’acqua)? Le ho ritrovate in rete e credo siano le piΓΉ carine e pulite. Ciao e grazie per il tuo impegno!

    To make the original Samsung animation work properly, rename the file “SysAp.mbm” to “shutdonw.mbm” after copying it to “E:\Anim”.

    azz mi sono dimenticato di rinominarlo prima di metterlo online πŸ™‚ ti ringrazio per la segnalazione πŸ™‚
    io comunque ho caricato quelle samsung anche…non Γ¨ quella con l’acqua? non ho controllato

  6. Ciao Faenil, innanzitutto complimenti per la nuova rom che ho giΓ  installato e grazie anche per questi suoni e animazioni πŸ˜‰
    Volevo chiederti una cosa.
    Mi sai dire come posso editare i 2 mbm relativi ad avvio e chiusura?
    Avrei intenzioni di metterci altre animazioni fatte da me πŸ˜›
    Grazie πŸ˜‰

    usa mbmtool πŸ˜‰ 2 raccomandazioni:
    – non superare i 20 frames
    – non superare i 5mb
    la cosa migliore Γ¨ fare 10 frame a 24bit, esce meno fluida ma i colori sono belli…
    quelle che ho messo online sono a 16bit infatti si vedono male, ne posterΓ² altre πŸ˜‰

  7. No, sono diverse. Se vuoi ti mando quelle con l’acqua per e-mail. Sono un po’ piΓΉ pesanti, ma secondo me rendono davvero giustizia all’AMOLED dell’HD!

    va bene dai mandamele che lunedΓ¬ le metto online πŸ˜‰

  8. Faenil,

    I was on HX firmwares before but decided to take a look at yours.
    Yesterday I flashed it and till now I can say your firmware N2o3 is awesome mate. One thing that I really liked is that the songs in mediaplayer change much quicker, and since I have lots of non stop albums it is very useful. I can only say WOW.
    Now I was playing around with bootscreens and I think I have created a really nice one and I would really like to share it with others. Could I send it to you and that you will put it on this page? If you want I can edit it a lill bit that it shows your name or something!


    Hi Alexandros04!! πŸ™‚ Of course you can send me your animation πŸ˜‰ you can find the email in the support section πŸ˜‰

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