Swype International Edition by faenil

Hi everyone! 🙂 Today I have a gift for you! I have modified the latest Nokia beta of Swype, and I have added many languages!!! 🙂 Unfortunately, 80% we won’t be able to add new layouts, so we can add language, but only the qwerty layout can be used 🙂 Qwertz and Azerty layout should […]

In need of GIMP experts =)

Ok guys so here’s what I need 🙂 is there anyone out there who knows how to make wonderful things with GIMP ? No photoshop, only GIMP.. ^_^ I’m looking for those people…to assign them a task the reward? A FREE licence for : XPLORE or LCG JUKEBOX! 🙂 Send me an email to faenil@i8910tuning.com […]