Italian only versions are coming ;)
Hi guys I’ll probably release the italian only versions tomorrow 😉 you know, less languages —> a bit faster fw… enjoy 🙂
Hi guys I’ll probably release the italian only versions tomorrow 😉 you know, less languages —> a bit faster fw… enjoy 🙂
Sorry guys the plugin I used for making polls is broken (many of you may have already noticed that) so I installed a new plugin…and made a new poll about the memory card icon on topright corne… PLEASE VOTE 🙂 it only takes 1 click 🙂 And: we have ENGLISH ONLY versions now ONLINE!! 🙂 […]
Hi guys just want to let you know that hyperx has just released his new rom… You would probably be wondering “why advertising the rom of another cooker on his blog? ” , well because I think it is a great news for the cooking scene xD If you want to give a try, delete […]
Hi guys it’s time for you to start using your phone in your own mother-language 🙂 So there we go: CZECH VERSION: MENU : English, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian T9: English, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian TASK3D WITH KSMENU NOTASK3D WITH KSMENU Enjoy guys! 😀