Theme issue fixed

I finally managed to make the system boot with my theme!!! ^_^ Minor issues are still to fix, I’m working on them ๐Ÿ˜‰ release still remains the same (10-11pm) Stay tuned!! ^_^

Rom is near to launch ;)

Hi guys the rom is almost finished, just a few things are missing… But now it is time for a good pizza with my friendsย  I think I’ll work on it tonight, the baby should be ready soon ย (tonight or tomorrow morning) ย ๐Ÿ˜‰ Stay tuned!!!ย  UPDATE 07:20 am : have been working on it for […]

New Rom is coming

Hi all, The new rom is nearly done… I had to start all over again so it will take some days to complete the work…but I think the rom will come out this weekend, probably on saturday ๐Ÿ˜‰ The name of the rom will be LITv1 i8910 (pronounced as LIGHT), and it will be a […]

Facebook APP from VIVAZ!!! (update:not working)

Hi guys maybe I have found a solution to make the facebook app install on our device… I have to try it , but I don’t have time at the moment… I tried once and it didn’t work…but I can work on this…I hope it will work stay tuned!! ๐Ÿ™‚ UPDATE: the solution I had […]