n2o5 – Tiger, RELEASED! :)

I’m still getting ready for the launch, which will be in about 20mins…

but I wanted to publish the instructions NOW, since they’re very important, because there are some changes.


1) Make hardreset

2) Flash n2o5

3) Flash language pack, if you need any

4) INSTALL the sis package which is in Z:/n2o5_mustHave.sis, using FileBrowser, which you can find in Office submenu. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP BECAUSE IT WILL INSTALL INPUT KEYBOARD FILES, SYSTEM SOUNDS FILES, AND SOME OTHER THINGS. READ NOTE1

5) REBOOT i8910, you’ll hear no sounds and no vibration until you reboot 🙂

NOTE1: IF YOU WANT TO USE SWYPE, DESELECT ALL THE 44 LANGUAGES AND SELECT A MAXIMUM OF 5 LANGUAGES DURING THE INSTALLATION OF n2o5_musthave.sis…IF YOU’LL INSTALL MORE LANGUAGES, SWYPE WON’T WORK. I know it’s boring to deselect all 44 languages, but unfortunately symbian gives no choice, you can’t have them all deselected by default 🙂


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N2O5 DOWNLOAD PAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, if you think I have helped you enjoy your i8910, and if you think I have helped you make your i8910 better, consider dropping a donation using the button on the right (the pig-shaped one, yes 😀 )…just think of it as if you were offering me a beer or something to thank me for all the time spent on i891o for the community :)…this firmware took months to develop… 😉 if you can’t afford it, no problem at all 😉 I hope you’ll enjoy my work 🙂




many many new registered users in the last 24 hours 🙂 about one new user every 20 mins 🙂

it seems like people are really waiting for this custom firmware… 🙂

As you see, I have already published the changelog on the blog, but it’s password protected, in fact it’s not public yet, but you’re free to spend some time trying to crack it, the password is not very difficult 🙂

All firmware versions are online but the testers are giving them a last test before sending them out to the world 🙂

and I have to study this afternoon (I’m already risking too much for this “hobby” 🙂 ) so I will probably publish n2o5 this late evening or tomorrow morning (most probably)…


stay tuned! 🙂

Everything is ready, just missing one piece…read and help please! :)

okay I spend last day optimizing i8910tuning app smoothness…it’s not as smooth as on my N8, but it’s okay 😉


Now I’m missing one thing….which I need as soon as possible, possiblywithin 12 hours starting from now!


SVG (vectorial graphics) ICON FOR i8910tuning app!!! 🙂


Are you good at making icons? Are you good at creating vectorial graphics?

This is your chance to win an Xplore or LCG Jukebox licence! Just send me the icon and you’ll enter the contest! I don’t think many people will make an icon, so you’re almost sure to win the full licence for these two softwares! 🙂
About licences, winners of the wallpaper contest will also be announced, I think I’ll choose two of them, and they’ll both win a licence for Xplore and Jukebox! 😉