First poll!! KASTOR EFFECTS, answer please!

I published a poll about kastor effects (on the right and in this post), that is what I would like my “job” to be like……people express their opinion, and I try to realize the willing of most of them :mrgreen:

I will make lots of polls, so stay tuned and answer if you want a rom that suits your needs! ^_^

The current poll will be included in the sidebar on the right, but you will be able to answer to old polls as well, just by going to the right post in the POLLS category :razz:

The first poll is about kastor as I’m not sure if everyone wants those effects…I don’t like them much, but if you want them, I’ll include them of course :razz:

Express your opinions guys, let’s vote!! :lol:


6 thoughts on “First poll!! KASTOR EFFECTS, answer please!

  1. kastor effecs are nice, but they gotta be fast not too complicated like 180′ rotations and other overscrewed motion effects
    I think kastor effects includind fading and transparency are the nicest

  2. Io penso che sarebbe utille integrare animenu plus 2.0 in modo che se uno vuole i kastor li attiva e li sceglie… c’è ne sono 50 se non sbaglio…

  3. mi informerò sul programma 😉
    lo avevo visto ieri, ma non l’ho mai provato, e non so se è possibile integrarlo o se dà problemi…
    appena avrò un po’ di tempo considererò l’opzione, anche se sinceramente preferire più inserire un tipo di effetti e basta, per rendere il sistema più efficiente… 😉

    Torno al lavoro ^^

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