Hi guys, I’m writing to let you know that the new rom I’m building is coming up strong
Today I added RomPatcher+ with automatic start at boot, then I added ACTIVE FILE 1.44 (the new one) which is very nice,
and the Vivaz audio/video Codecs , meaning the rom will record @24fps with 48kbps as it seems to be better than 96…
For any question or request (programs you think should be included in the rom for example, or things you’d like to delete from the official rom), just write down your comments to this post !!
ps whoever has worked on trying to improve the audio quality and wants to contribute with his experience, feel free to contact me
is it possible to port the hole vivaz firmware ??? so we record @24fps with 128kbps ??
well I’m working on that as I wrote some posts ago…
but experts like Il.Socio think that it is impossible, because of the direct addressing of functions for the files stored in rom.img file…
importing dlls means changing all the addresses of the function, thus making the system not able to record anymore…(if you want me to be clearer just ask 😉 )
But I’ll investigate more on that as soon as I can…
I think the percentage of that becoming true is near to 10%, but that is enough to hope 🙂
sounds bad !
hope someone can find a solution for it !