What are you missing on i8910tuning app?

I’m still studying guys, last exam on 26th…omg, I can’t resist till that day, and it will be soooo difficult to pass!




Here’s what I want to know from you, is there any simple tweak that you are missing on i8910tuning?


Use your imagination, but don’t ask for big things, please. I.E no allow skype, no S^3 homescreen, no impossible things ๐Ÿ˜›

Simply put, name something you’re doing manually on your i8910 and you’d like to have a software do that for you ๐Ÿ˜‰



PS Contests winners will be announced after 26th, and Xplore and Jukebox keys will be sent to winners! ๐Ÿ™‚ Keys expires on August 2012

105 thoughts on “What are you missing on i8910tuning app?

  1. Non so se sia possibile ma magari si potrebbe aggiungere la capacitร  di impostare i profili delle suonerie in modo che si attivino automaticamente ad orari prestabiliti (un po’ come per le sveglie) per ogni momento della giornata e per ogni giorno della settimana.

    Inoltre sarebbe comunque utile avere la possibilitร  di salvare i profili dell’applicazione i8910tuning.

    ps: in ogni caso, ottimo firmware ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Intendo che puรฒ far comodo avere diverse configurazione nel i8910tuning e quindi poterle salvare e ricaricare all’occorrenza.

        Altro suggerimento: ho notato che รจ stata eliminata la funzione di stampa che agiva su usb o bluetooth.
        Non sarebbe possibile rimetterla e farla agire tramite WiFi?

        Ciao! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I exposed it, and that’s my roomate who cloned my repository, that one is older source anyway ๐Ÿ™‚ don’t think it’s updated ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Ciao Faenil,
    come ti avevo chiesto in precedenza sarebbe utile avere il controllo dell’orientamento(landscape-portrait)perche molto spesso accade di avere in mano il cell in port e i menu vari si aprono in land.Allora un po come in hxpatcher(non per copiarlo ma le cose comode sono comode ๐Ÿ˜€ e poi la tua app e’ di un altro pianeta come grafica e usabilita e oltre tutto c’e’ una guida per tutto ๐Ÿ™‚ ),sarebbe comodo “bloccare” cio che si vuole in port o land.
    Che ne dici??
    Ciao Diego

  3. I don’t exactly know how to explain this… But you know sometimes C memory gets too full, like under 1 MB of free memory, because it is full of temporary files, logs, and other disposable things… I was wondering if you can implement a clean C memory, like the one for deleting empty camera folders…
    Anyway I have to say I didn’t expect the faenilator to be so good… In fact n205 is the best cfw I have ever had, without any exageration. Good luck with your exams and thank you for all your work ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. thanks man ๐Ÿ™‚

      don’t know about the C cleaner, I think many people would go crazy because they’d hit Clean C without knowing the consequences…

  4. I would like to have automatic switch from 2g to 3g mode while surfing in the internet. After the browsing the phone should switch back to 2g mode.

      1. What about a internet killer switch so we dont have to use our internet , like for whatsapp it will be very handy like you can then travel but you still can call and all that but otherwise your data with the provider can be very high and that will cost

  5. I would like to have the option to disable landscape on main menu.
    I feels weird using landscape since the icon is in 3×4, instead of 4×3…

  6. ciao faenil, intanto ottima rom stabile, veloce, e con poco consumo di batteria…

    le mie idee da implementare nella rom, sono:

    riconoscimento dell’inclinazione (il verso) della foto scattata;
    la homesceen (al momento ho la ORATSU) orientabile in land-scape;
    poter fare il fix dei satelliti anche in wifi;
    i comandi vocali;
    l’auto focus durante la reggistrazione dei video.

    per il momento non mi viene in mente nient’altro!

    comunque grazie per la patch nocamfolder che ti avevo chiesto di implementare nella rom!!!!

    Auguri per gli esami!

    1. Qualsiasi HS in ladscape = Non si puรฒ (che funzioni per davvero).

      fix dei satelliti in wifi? e dove mai hai visto una cosa simile? con wifi non hai le celle per la triangolazione… come con operatore mobile.

      comandi vocali? di ‘grazie’ alla Samsung che ci ha fregato tutti…

      Auto Focus x i video? Sul i1890 non se ne parla nemmeno.

    2. foto -> no
      homescreen -> no
      fix -> no
      vocali -> no
      autofocus -> mi dispiace il driver non lo puรฒ fare penso…

      prego per la patch ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. You could add support for manual overrride of orientation in apps like hx-patcher does. I would really like to have that. Secondly 3D task manager would be nice too

  8. Ciao complimenti per l’ottimo lavoro, ho installato tutto, ho configurato anche i8910tuning ad 800Mhz ed ho creato la patch.
    Dopo aver riavviato il cellulare un paio di volte adesso non parte piรน il programma i8910tuning, come posso risolvere senza fare un hard reset?

  9. Please write your comments in English

    From the first day that I bought my OHD I always like to have call recorder, answering machine.

    I have another problem with N2O5. the memory is always full. I don’t have any open application and I’m also installing all applications in E drive. I can’t play many of games because of the lack of memory. even can’t open application manager because it says memory i full ๐Ÿ™
    I have installed QT too. I’m not sure if it’s related or not.

    Please find a solution for these problems.
    Thank you so much Faenil. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Yeah i cant use my backup arc file from hx 11 in n205 , it says that there is no backup file available ( and it is in the E/backup/contact.arc. And i cant get on the ovi suite so plz help me

    1. yeah i had the same problem… It was like a nightmare… Loosing all my contacts just like that. SO i searched around and extracted contacts.cdb for arc file and then using symbian emulator, got my contacts back… you can find some nice tutorials on how to do so from google

  11. Dear Faenil,

    The firmware is nothing less than awesome. Anyways, here are a few things that I could think of:

    1. Option to uninstall core applications that were installed with the firmware.
    2. For some reason my original compass points at the opposite direction of east and west. Any fix?
    3. Updated Real Player to play mp4 files.
    4. Some 100% working nice icons and start up, shutdown animations.

    Thats about it.

    Regards ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Si potrebbe aggiungere una funzione che elimini le cartelle _PalBTN
    Non so.. fare un Pulsante a se o implementare la routine di pulizia della cache..

  13. Hi f. , Please respond to what am I going to ask. Can you fix somehow selecting internet connection menu ? Let me explain … normally when you run application which is asking for internet connection you should see menu to select wifi network or 3G internet connection, my problem is that sometimes(very often) I have only wlan option and if you are not in range of wifi network you have a problem so I have to manually run for example downloading satelites from GPS+ and this think somehow correct it. But it is so annoying to do it manually every day I am really tired of this and thinking about buying galaxy S because of it. I tried to set up my 3G connection in options as number one priority but it will help only for short time. I read few more people have the same problem, so far no fix for that.

  14. Another request is to control song from locked screen using the physical button, like a hacked iphone, for example:
    Volume Up pressed 2 second: next song
    Volume Down pressed 2 second: previous song
    Both Volume Up and Down : pause/play song

    I know this is seemingly impossible, but I feels that this would be the most practical hack if it could be done

    1. Use DZ MusicKey combination with Best screen lock 2.02.

      Red Key Stop/Start
      Green Key Last Song
      Camera Key Next Song
      Volume up down Working in Lock screen

      Then put into Cover for waste belts. You will find it much better combination then Nokia remote as no need to carry Remote wire even with nokia now.

      1. Can you please upload the modded version that works for i8910? And possibly tell me the requirements to install this?

        I already have qt, qt mobility, and pips and such that comes with n2o5, but ver 1.0 doesn’t work for me while ver 2.0 installation was halted with message “unable to install”

  15. Why is only firmware ID N8 and user agent is not?
    I am trying to download lang pack for swype at ovi store, but C6 and 5800 dosent support it, i can only download the swype main softwere with 5800 and not the lang packs ๐Ÿ™

    But C7 and N8 can download the lang pack, but N8 is only on the firmware ID and dosent help in the ovi store, is it possibel to make the N8 on the User agent too?

  16. Faenil is possible to have the tdf file of the theme of this amazing firmware??…i know its out from this conversation but i want to customize the theme if i can…let me know!!!…and congratulations!!!…this is the best firmware ever!!!

  17. hi faenil maybe this is just a problem on my mobile.but i cant go into the i8910 tuning app when i change my fontstyle with fontzoomer.and flipfont doesnt work too.maybe you can fix that.thank you

  18. I know its a bit off-topic but, well. My Native language is “Bengali” a.k.a. Bangla…
    I just wanted to be able to write in Bangla (Not language pack)…So, I searched the net and found this way to replace a qwerty keyboard layout. this seems to work for 5800 or N97 but I don’t know how to make this method work for i8910. Can you please see the file and instructions and tell me how? This little thing should take seconds for you. Here’s the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ssi7he71nwvyjtt

  19. I have a feature request. Don’t know if it is possible or whether it is already part of some other software that we need to install on the phone:

    setting a timed profile (silent, general, meeting etc) can be done only once. after the time expires, the profile is set back to the one that was previously set. Can setting a timed profile be done automatically for many profiles?

  20. la mia richiesta รจ,come ti avevo giร  detto,la cancellazione di tutti i files temporanei che si formano nella cartella C:\private\1020735b
    infatti il problema piรน frequente nell’omnia รจ proprio la scarsa memoria in c:

    anche i settaggi potrait-landscape sono importanti,almeno quelli per il menรน,avere il menรน in landscape รจ molto fastidioso!!

    e poi come ti dissi anche l’altra volta,servirebbe l’id dell’n8 per ovistore

    grazie di tutto faenil!!

    1. Ciao,
      stranamente io non cel’ho piu questa cartella eppure non ricordo di averla cancellata.Cmq vengo da hxv11,li c’era una volta ho cancellato il contenuto che effettivamente occupava abbastanza spazio in c:
      pero poi non ho piu avuto bisogno di cancellarla anche dopo 3 mesi di utilizzo,cioe’ per intenderci cancellata la prima volta non si e’ piu riempita,occupava solo pochi kb.
      hai guardato se cel’hai ancora?

        1. si questo tel’ho detto anche io….
          il fatto e’ che io su questo firmware non cel’ho,la cartella 1020735b.
          E di certo se ho cancellato qualcosa ho cancellato il contenuto e non la cartella!Che fine avra fatto?

            1. wrong, I explained on Italian IpMart what to do and whya this occurs…

              use google or read relevant threads on forums.

              Though it might be a nice add-on option in tuning app, so you can simply empty that folder, it is not the permanent solution to anything.

              Rather do the job and you won’t get it happening again, ever ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. A thing just like the delete empty camera folders. But then for apps that you unistalled because it leaves always some folders and files even if you unistalled it with all components and it takes memory away from the C drive and E drive.

    Reply plz?

  22. Maybe some browser which can find folders and files from apps and games for example: i’m looking for save files from need for speed, writeing “need form speed: shift” or selecting on list of instaled apps and it shows where are folders and apps with files. I know it’s not easy and fast to do, it’s just idea.

  23. Is it possible to make aplication, that checks exact battery charge? Because battery power bars are not so accurate. For example, every time i have to enter *#0228# to check, how long i can use the phone until it switches off.(avg. bat Val with comp. drops to 3,65)…

  24. 1. Can you link the function “dimmed display” as an icon on the menu-screen (Dimmer ON / OFF)?
    That will be a very nice feature for me. Because i have often a dimmed display to safe power, but in direct sun, you cant see anything. Now its hard to find the correct option in i8910tuning-app.

    2. Can you create a link on the menu-screen to go direct to the video-recording (without switching from photo to video)?

    3. Is it possible to deactivate the datatransfer over gsm/umts (the phone should only go online with wifi)?

  25. there are many programs that do what do you want

    1- with spb shell there is an icon that do this

    3- network switch

    for 2 i don’t know

  26. is that possible to tune music player to have a sensor effect that makes it to go to next and previous sound track by moving the phone to right and left?! something like pausing the track that is made possible…
    I know it would have some problem like going to next track unintentionally,but u can do sth new,like making this effect possible while half pressing the camera key…it’s just a thought,but I think u have the ability to do it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Hey bro,
        it works,you heard…works…and also all qt software.
        That orrible and disgusting font there isn’t more finally.
        Thank you very very much!

  27. Hi Feanil,

    It would be great to have possibility to change 3row keyboard to 4row keyboard in i8910tuning app or another kind of keyboards or changes with keyboard setting .

    By the way where you have instructions what files has to be changed to make 3row keyboard to 4row as I am unable to do it so far, there is only instruction that I should change files in specified directory but I donยดt know what files?

    Thank you in advance for your advice

    And many thanks for your great N2O5 firmware which I already donate

    1. and making a double language system,maybe by clicking the key near space to change it to the second language chosen…it will be so nice for language pack users like me..

  28. Can you make a button similar to deleting the empty camera folders for deleting C:\private\1020735b? It’s for freeing up space on C: after you have installed and played symbian 3 games that has svgz icons.

  29. Ciao Faenil, ho appena installato la tua n2o5, bella veloce, ma ho riscontrato un problemino, sicuramente ho sbagliato a fare qualcosa, pur seguendo la procedura come da te descritta, installando le librerie QT e il resto, l’app i8910tuning non mi parte, visualizza una schermata nera e torna alla lista delle app senza partire.
    Aiutami a capira, questa famosissima e sperata app, รจ stata inserita o รจ ancora da inserire in prossimi aggiornamenti? In ogni caso complimenti per il lavoro, e vedo che sei sempre impegnatissimo con gli studi!
    Aspetto risposta e soluzione al mio piccolo quesito.

    Ciao ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Ciao faenil
    Una buona idea sarebbe quella di inserire un opzione dove aumentare o riabbassare i parametri delle casse (con valori massimi quelli consigliati sui vari forum…io li ho sempre tenuti al massimo e nn ho mai avuto problemi)…t dici…magari nn proprio cambiare i valori uno ad uno ma sono un tasto che attiva e disattivi i parametri pimpati ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. If you want fm radio without headset go to filebrowser z/sys/bin/FMRadioTest.exe clik on it open and click 1. Rx Mode and again 1. Radio on and 4-5 key up-down to menage frequency..up volume is 6 key and down volume 7. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  32. Hello,

    Faenil, thank you for your wonderful work on this new version. I have just a little problem, I followed the procedure but OVI Suite doesn’t recognize the i8910 like a NOKIA 5800, I don’t understand why.

    I use OVI Suite on Windows 7, any ideas to solve this problem ?


  33. We`re missing the ability to:
    – change the 4 bottom icons at the bottom of the menu and the homescreen
    – Change the theme of the music player separately from the rest of the phone solving
    the problem of themes being incompatible with the Samsung music player

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