Updates about qt bug
I contacted one of the qt devs, and I was told I have to wait qt 4.7.1 to solve that bug… a new qt package will be released together with 4.7.1, and the new faenilator too hopefully 🙂
I contacted one of the qt devs, and I was told I have to wait qt 4.7.1 to solve that bug… a new qt package will be released together with 4.7.1, and the new faenilator too hopefully 🙂
Talking about modding, I have modified the settings for the comments 🙂 FROM NOW ON, ONLY REGISTERED AND LOGGED IN USERS WILL BE ABLE TO POST COMMENTS! 🙂 this avoids two problems: 1) fake faenils posting comments 2) spam comments being published (this happened many times during the last week) so just REGISTER, and LOG […]
Hi guys, I’m very happy because the QT bug I talked to you about has been processed as P1: Critical, and has been fixed by the QT team in not even 1 day! 🙂 I added the bug to the QT bug tracking system, and it was fast put in the Critical section, and solved […]
NOTE: I AM NOT LEAVING, I AM JUST DOING WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE MUCH TIME BEFORE BY EVERYONE!! 🙂 Hi guys, I waited for long enough, I think that n2o4 is now ready has the whole world of i8910 users has betatested it for more then 3weeks 🙂 I keep the promise I made […]