Lottery deleted, big news ;)

Hi guys, I have just been contacted by paypal guys They told me I can’t use paypal to receive money for any activity that requires a fee to let you win prizes or partecipate to extractions… That is why unfortunately I have to DELETE THE LOTTERY… the good news is, there is a chance for […]

Answer to most asked questions

To open DIALER, press Menu button, and then Green HW button (the one you use to call) and the dialer will appear! 🙂 It’s not possible to open the dialer from a flash homescreen If you want nav3d or task3d, read here , but I’m working on new method which is not fully working yet […]

The time has come: THE QUEEN!

Time to celebrate a new birth, n2o4 – codename THE QUEEN, is now out for public! 🙂 The betatesting has been very long, I hope testers did not miss anything, even if some of them were a bit lazy 😀 So, here’s the changelog you have been waiting for so long! 🙂 I’ll only write […]