Dictionary –> MAYBE solution found! :)
Still have to try it coz I’m not at home during weekends 🙂 BUT, I think it will work… . so you will have a fully working dictionary in the next release!! Enjoy! 😀
Still have to try it coz I’m not at home during weekends 🙂 BUT, I think it will work… . so you will have a fully working dictionary in the next release!! Enjoy! 😀
Ok guys there we go… I’ve been very quiet during the last days coz I have been experimenting and I have had lots of private life things to do 🙂 but… I finally found the solution for the camera shutter sound which cannot be muted in HongKong JC1!!! SO —-> IN THE NEXT FW, YOU […]
Hi guys I have lots of news to talk to you about 🙂 But I’ll do it one by one 🙂 So, my advice is, STAY TUNED THIS AFTERNOON AND TOMORROW!! 🙂 Cheers ^_^
Hi guys…I’ve been very quiet these day… well, I’ve been experimenting a lot for the new fw…no good news from that side BUT 🙂 for those who like ks menu but hate the fact that icons on the right are less responsive, I FOUND A SIMPLE SOLUTION 🙂 JUST ADD ONE FOLDER IN THE MENU […]