problems with bulgarian,slovenian,.. NORDIC AND TURKISH IS OK ;)

I’m sorry guys the IG4 firmware is bugged, like the IF2 Arabic… I managed to solve the arabic problem using another firmware… so now I need another firmware which includes Bulgarian and Romanian… can anybody tell me the name of the firmware before IG4? thanks EDIT: while I am having a different problem with czech […]

News and localizations

Hi guys I told you that localizations would have been postponed to tomorrow, but that’s actually not completely true 🙂 In the evening I managed to upload some localizations 🙂 Let’s go to the news, they’re not all good but most of them are 🙂 1) First of all, I’m happy that the betatester liked […]

localizations postponed, too many news today :)

Sorry guys I have to postpone the other localizations to tomorrow as I have been receiveng so many news today (I can’t tell you about them 🙂 ), and I’ve been working on new things for the n2o2 for the whole afternoon, I hope you’ll understand.. Sorry turkish guys, I promised I would have made […]