antipanic post :)

HI guys, I noticed that lots of people are making questions without reading the changelog, so I’m writing some important things here… 1) GPS SOFTWARES ICONS WILL BE IN SAMSUNG LBS FOLDERS!! 2) YOU CAN DISABLE SHUTTER SOUND OF CAMERA BY SELECTING SHUTTER SOUND 3!!! no bugs have been found so far by the 300+ […]

time to go out

My girlfriend is waiting for me… I spent all the day working on the rom…now it’s time to go out with her 🙂 I hope everything is ok with the rom, keep on commenting, I’ll read and answer as soon as I come home 😉


Upload has started: I’ll update you about the progress in this thread, in the meanwhile I’m preparing a nice changelog… 😉 EURO n2o2 NOTASK3D: Uploaded EURO n2o2 TASK3D: Uploaded RUSSIAN n2o2 NOTASK3D: Uploaded RUSSIAN n2o2 TASK3D: Uploaded Working on changelog (20mins to finish) LINKS WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN I’LL PUBLISH THE CHANGELOG