Nemo’s wiki is a mess…
there is old stuff everywhere, old guides, old tutorial, old commands, old setups.
We have to change that and make it easier for people to join and have fun with us…
But who wants to modify a wiki? We want to hack! ๐
But someone has to do that….
So I thought it was worth helping a bit in that sense as well, I wrote a guide to getting started with Wayland VM virtualbox image, a guide to getting started with N9/N950 Nemo apps development, and the current status matrix of Nemo Wayland ๐
Check them out! ๐
If you want to develop apps for Nemomobile or contribute to Nemomobile development using N9/N950, read: Nemo Wayland armv7hl (N9/N950) development tutorial
For the VirtualBox VM image check: Nemo Wayland VM development tutorial
Current status matrix of Nemo Wayland:
Nemo Wayland status
FIRST OF ALL: sorry for the many ads on this website! This blog is looking absolutely awful. I absolutely have to clean it and change style completely. But no time at the moment…Restyling will come as soon as possible ๐
It’s been 2 years already since I last updated this blog…time has gone by so fast, and so many things happened in the meanwhile ๐
I left the Symbian community after the i8910 and Nokia N8 efforts, and moved to Harmattan when I had the honour to receive a Nokia N950 developer device in August 2011…awesome moment ๐
University didn’t leave me much time to spend coding apps, but I started getting interested in Nemomobile, an opensource mobile-oriented Linux distribution. Nemomobile has been my hobby project since then, and it’s what I’ve spent, and still spend, most of my spare time on.
I met lots of nice people on #nemomobile IRC channel on FreeNode (some of their nicknames, in random order: sledgeSim, Sage, Venemo, fk_lx, qwazix, w00t, special, Stskeeps, Sfiet_Konstantin dm8tbr, cybette, iekku, jukkaeklund, veskuh, Jonni, and many others…) , and I’ve always enjoyed the atmosphere ๐
In February 2012 I got my Bachelor degree in Computer Science, here’s a picture of me and my girlfriend right after the presentation!
Bachelor Degree
Few months laterย Jolla people announced their plans, and in September 2012 theย Jolla hack dayย was organized by Devaamo, in Tampere! ๐ I had already been in contact with Jolla people because basically most of them were already Nemomobile contributors before Jolla was born, and I knew I would have loved a company with those people and values/ideals behind. I absolutely wanted to join them at the hack day! I had to sell a few gadgets (a tablet and something else) to be able to join them (eh, students life ๐ ), but it was definitely worth it! I also owe this to the nice girl that hosted me in Tampere for 3 days! (and thanks toย CouchSurfingย for making this possible).
You can hear Iekku thanking me for the contributions to Nemomobile’s image/video gallery application (which was used by Marko Saukko aka Sage to show the presentation slides) during one of the Nemomobile related talks at the hackday, linkย here ๐ That was so kind of her, thanks honey-badger, I was about to panic! ๐ But maybe that was because of the many Mountain Dews I drank that day!
Here’s a picture with some of the guys I met at the Hack Day! Thanks for the great day!
Devaamo Hack Day with Jolla! From left to right: Carol aka “cybette”, Thomas aka dm8tbr and his fiancee, Jari, and me
In November 2012 Jolla launched their mobile OS, SailfishOS! I was lucky to be able to join them at Slush 2012, and Jolla was kind enough to provide me with a Jolla Guest Pass, awesome!ย A very friendly man I contacted on CouchSurfingย (that website rules ehehe) offered to host both me and Sfiet_Konstantin, so we slept in the same (double) bed! Sounds weird, but hey, that was the only choice if we wanted to attend SailfishOS’ launch!
The launch was just AWESOME! It was very exciting, and I felt as happy as them ๐
After the launch event, as soon as Marc left the stage ย I asked a girl who had a fancy Nikkon pro-camera to a picture of me and Marc with my N950…
She took 7 PICTURES…and….well, you can see the result below. ๐ ๐ ๐
If you want to live that moment again, here’s something for you!
SailfishOS launch at Slush 2012
Me and Marc Dillon…it takes some fantasy, but we’re there!
After November I had to dive again into university studies…and I kept contributing to the nemomobile project whenever I had some spare time (either by fixing bugs or by helping people on chat) or I was not as stressed as I am during exams periods. So we’ll fast-forward to May ๐
20th May 2013, Jolla Love Day! (Yes, I was there as well!)
Other great moments with Jolla people, the location was very cool, and we also got to talk to Marc Dillon (currently Head of Software at Jolla, ex-CEO) and many other Jolla guys in a very interesting pre-launch meeting.
After that, the launch of The Jolla, the first SailfishOS phone by Jolla which is supposed to be shipping during XMas period. Very exciting stuff, just like you would expect from a Jolla event ๐
Though I have to say I was a bit disappointed this time because we were told so many times to “wait for May to get more info”, and we got almost nothing ๐
But, well, not their fault, they worked so hard, and they showed us all they could show at that time ๐
This time I also met Jason from Jolla UK, and few other cool people from other Jolla communities (Jolla Suomi, and Jolla Sweden if I remember correctly :D).
If you want to watch the launch of The Jolla, head here!
Me and Marc Dillon, better picture this time ๐
Me and jpetrise
The launch event of The Jolla is about to start!
Me and Iekku! ๐
And, finally, the last event I’ve been at was the Devaamo Summit (period between two university exams), where I finally met Venemo.
Again Couchsurfing and Ryanair made this possible ๐ A very kind Finnish couple of young people hosted me, Venemo, and fk_lx!
The talks at the event were very interesting, and the free soft drinks and food made everything better ๐
I also got an awesome Devaamo T-Shirt for my volunteering effort…thank you so much guys!
The second day there was a hacking challenge going on as well…at the end of the day, after the talks were finished, we formed up 3 teams of 2 people (me, qwazix, aknight, Venemo, fk_lx, and another guy) and went through all the puzzles in about half an hour ๐
It was very entertaining I have to say, I’m looking forward to participating in another hacking challenge ๐
Devaamo Summit 2013! From left to right: Raine Mรคkelรคinen, veskuh, Jonni, Venemo, and me ๐
Then university exams, university exams, university exams…
The exams period eventually finished, and at the end of July I finally had some spare time again to hack Nemomobile! ๐
The plan there was to start the transition from Qt4/X11 to Qt5/Wayland.
Exciting stuff! ๐
But I’m tired of writing ๐ and this post is already huge ๐
So I’ll leave the nemomobile hacking to the next one ๐
To those of you who managed to read the whole post, cheers!
I’m sorry for the download server issues…I’m also very sad about that, because I had everything on there…I have lost all my custom firmwares (I did not keep n2o or litv2, my first cfws, on my hdd), and all the files I put on that server ๐
Anyway, thanks to, the most well-known i8910 czech community, we have all links back!
You can download n2o5 from here!ย
Very few people have donated for n2o5.. ๐ so if you still wish to thank me for all the work done for i8910, feel free to drop a donation using the button on the right.
Thanks everyone, and thanks to for the links!! ๐
I have received many emails saying that the download server is down…and it’s actually down now…the problem is this server was a gift from an i8910 user,ย TrollGyilkos (real name Istvan), whose email I don’t have at the moment, and I don’t know how to get in contact with him…Does anybody of you know him? Can you help me get in contact with him?
Here are some updates about me ๐
I have sold the i8910 about 10 days ago, and on the same day I received the Nokia N950, the MeeGo developer phone from Nokia! ๐
So what are my current projects? ๐
I have working on a very simple 3D Game written in Qt + opengl es 2.0! ๐ But since I have no experience in 3D programming, I often encounter performance problems ๐
I plan to make the game available for Symbian^3 devices and Maemo/MeeGo devices! ๐ It won’t run on the i8910 unfortunately because S^1 doesn’t provide HW acceleration APIs…
Plus I have two university exams on 5th and 6th September (the game is for one of the two exams, as well as being an effort for N950 community), I have had only 4 days summer this year!! 27-31 july! And no vacation..this is a tough year, I hope I’ll pass the exams at least…
About n2o5:
There are so many people having problems with n2o5 because they HAVEN’T READ THE INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS given on N2O5 Download Page. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!! ๐
There will probably be an updated n2o5 with very few modifications, just to make it more difficult for people who don’t read instructions to mess up with it.
The changes will be:
-Qt application “Serv” removed from startup. Serv application was written by me and was used for Task3D and Nav3D mods. But being a Qt application, it could cause reboot loop for people who, IGNORING MY INSTRUCTIONS, have installed font managing software, such as FontRouter, FontZoomer, FlipFont, etc…Unfortunately Qt is not compatible with font softwares, there’s nothing I can do about that.
– Startbackup will be reverted to v0.99, which did not cause reboot loops (not as many as 1.02).
I hope you are all having a nice summer, and are enjoying your holidays! ๐ Have a nice day people!