Polls Archive

You can vote for all the current active polls 🙂 Please vote ! ^_^

Do you want ID CHANGE, or just "Enable OviStore" and "Install Nokia's package" patches?

  • I just need the real features, changing the useragent (to enter OviStore), and installing packages for Nokias (you'll have to apply rompatcher patch), and Enable OviSuite, to be able to use OviSuite (65%, 710 Votes)
  • I want to be able to change the id to all phones, I want ID CHANGE with all features applied even if I don't need all of them! (35%, 389 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,111

Start Date: April 26, 2011 @ 3:39 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Priority to gadget or nogadget version?

  • I don't need the gadget in E mod (less bugs) (71%, 664 Votes)
  • I want to use flash homescreens from E:/ (29%, 265 Votes)

Total Voters: 929

Start Date: March 11, 2011 @ 2:22 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Are you waiting for a new custom firmware for i8910 Omnia HD?

  • Yes, I'm eagerly waiting for a new custom firmware (n2o5)! (95%, 1,450 Votes)
  • No, I don't need another firmware, feel free to spend your time on other platforms (5%, 76 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,526

Start Date: February 19, 2011 @ 4:41 pm
End Date: No Expiry

latest qt or landscape faenilator

  • Better to have faenilator only portrait and use latest qt libraries (90%, 716 Votes)
  • I need faenilator to be used in landscape, I don't care it there is the risk that other qt softwares will not run good (10%, 83 Votes)

Total Voters: 804

Start Date: September 22, 2010 @ 7:22 pm
End Date: No Expiry

base with international keyboard or keyboard added only with langpack?

  • only english in base, the langpack will add those I need (65%, 412 Votes)
  • I need all keyboards languages in the base (35%, 223 Votes)

Total Voters: 635

Start Date: September 8, 2010 @ 12:38 pm
End Date: No Expiry

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17 thoughts on “Polls Archive

  1. uf, uf, that is not correct, we slovenian are in minority!!!
    Yust two millions against many Russian, Chinese, Arab etc…
    Please have that in your mind!!! 😥

    I have that in mind mate…but my spare time is limited…I hope you’ll understand me… 🙂

  2. guys vote for the crazy rotating kastors.. these r the best in the world.. vote vote and vote only it.. ufff i cant wait for n202 with same kastors used in n20…

  3. faenil,
    add at least keyboard with slovenian letters, we could live with that, until our time comes to slovenian localization please… 🙄

    man didn’t have time to do that, sorry…I added Romanian because the user sent me all the files needed…

  4. faenil, where are our national letters in hypers rom? If I could somehow help with that, please let me know. We have his HX29 cz version and there are our letters implemented…We do very much appreciate your work and donations are in move…one question left, what is modem update for and which is the last best modem version?
    Thank you very much for excellent work… 😛

    sorry man I didn’t understand the first two lines, can you please write a new message? thanks

    regarding modem, I suggest JB1 🙂 It regards all the networks, wifi, 3g, gsm 😉

  5. I am not a specialist for cooking roms 😥 …but romanian fellas have send you all needed dates for their language, so I ment, perhaps if you could find our letters in Hyperx 29 cz rom would be super. We do not need a whole menus to be slovenian, for first step, it will be enough to implement just our keyboard, like international roms have by default…
    Thank you very much for your efford…

    man I’ll surely do that even if you don’t send me the files…but you have to wait… ^^

  6. Ciao faenil,volevo proporti se magari nella prossima rom ti garberebbe l’idea di aggiungere l’applicazione della conversazione del vivaz,che mi sembra molto carina e funzionale,al posto di quello di default (sempre se si può fare)..

    ci vuole un attimo a integrarla…bisogna vedere se tutti la preferiscono…

  7. ciao, ho visto che su alcune versioni di symbian nokia il lettore musicale può essere attivato direttamente dalla home semplicemente facendo play e la canzone parte (usando la home tsunami) mentre se installata sull’omnia hd il lettore musicale ti riporta solo alla lista dei generi, brani, autori ecc… è una funzionalità che prevedi di applicare? e per quanto riguarda i comandi vocali? l’omnia hd ne è proprio sprovvisto. grazie ciao.

    sui comandi vocali non penso di lavorarci…
    per quanto riguarda il lettore musicale, così non mi aiuti, mi servono più dettagli 😀

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