
If you need to ask anything related to this blog or my custom firmwares, feel free to contact me at:

287 thoughts on “Support

  1. I can’t install many themes and softwares with n2o3 firmware that I used to install successful with n2o2. It said, “certificate error, contact the application supplier”. What happened to my phone? those softwares are those I download from site like S60urel .sis, Ovimaps .sis, SMARTREADER, SmartSearch, GyPSii (with ExploreMe, SpaceMe, PlaceMe), uTalk (IM software). Help me!

    You have InstallServer disabled in RomPatcher 😉

  2. Hi, not sure why but when I watch movies and tv shows I have on my memory card there is a slight stutter every few mins, like its buffering, I read other people saying problems with this but no answer as how to stop it, is it phone/fw/player?
    I dont know how it all works but could the noisesync patch cause this slight pause/stutter?

    no it can’t be the patch 😉 It could be that you’re watching a too high res video …

  3. Hey buddy!!! hope you having a great time. Just wanted to ask if there is any possibility to put symbian^3 in omnia hd??


    no man 🙂 sorry …It is still too early to talk about it 🙂

  4. Hello,

    Actually I need Help 🙁
    Instead of Pressing Vol Up + Hold + Power on … I pressed Vol Down + Hold + Power on .. And I entered the Moded Download Mode ….. How can I get Out ??

    Thanks alot .. and sorry if it weren’t the right place for such question.

    just remove battery 😉

  5. I have found a very nice theme but the dialer sucks because it is black numbers on a black screen, I want to keep the theme but change the dialer so I can see what numbers I type in, is there dialer sis out there or way to change this themes dialer?


    read fevves’ comment 😉

  6. Regarding my previous post , Just Removed The Battery …

    Sorry for inconvenience 🙂

    np 😉 I know you would have done it yourself 🙂

  7. voodoochild2008 says:
    May 31st, 2010 4:15 pm

    I have found a very nice theme but the dialer sucks because it is black numbers on a black screen, I want to keep the theme but change the dialer so I can see what numbers I type in, is there dialer sis out there or way to change this themes dialer?

    Hop on this thread here:

    It’s 5 minutes of clicking etc and you gain what you’re asking for 🙂

  8. FAENIL perchè mi hai snobbato che ti ho fatto? 😀
    ti riposto il mex spero mi risponderai:

    “ti devo chiedere alcune cose per il task3d, vorrei metterlo ma senza che si veda all’avvio:
    come si chiama e dove si trova l’eseguibile del task 3d?
    è già contenuto in z ma non è messo in autostart vero?
    si potrebbe fare come fa HX per evitare che il task3d parta in background? so che installando la sua patch sis ti si crea una cartella in C: con un nome del tipo 123456789 e dentro un’altra cartella o file con scritto autostart.sai spiegarmi meglio?”

    PS: come va l’università? a proposito che indirizzo è?
    vedo che ci sei poco sul sito

    spesso rispondo ma succede qualcosa col javascript che non mi salva la risposta anche se me la fa vedere…cmq
    eseguibile: taskswitcher.exe
    sì non è messo in autostart ma c’è in Z nella n2o3
    per quanto riguarda hx, non so che metodo utilizzi…però c’è un nuovo metodo per far partire i programmi per il quale non servirà powerboot 😉 magari lo utilizzerò nella prossima versione…
    l’univ è Informatica a Pisa, e sta andando male, ho esami l’8 il 10 il 16, e un altro il 23, poi a luglio un altro il 4, un altro il 14 e il 16…
    insomma, sto rovinato.

  9. N2o2 better them N2o3 i test them all the good one is the first nice work team,please i like the N2o2 but i need Arabic language can any one help me the N2o3 have i flash with but the phone stop boot if any one know Arabic for N2o2 tell me have a nice day all thanks faenil great work man 🙂

    there is n2o2 arabic package…
    TASK3D n2o2:
    NOTASK3D n2o2:

    By the way n2o3 works ok, don’t know why you’re having issues, did you make hardreset?

  10. yes i make hard reset *#7370# the themes have black background i hate it 🙁 and the 3d icon on N2o2 more beautiful then N2o3 the contact icon better then new b’coz three people inside it 🙂 and have life 🙂 anyway thanks a lot b’coz u make a firmware better then Samsung firm i like Ur work it’s more compatible and waw the (HX_V5D0) not good @ all i hate it it’s for trash !!! so thanks I’m wait Ur new release soon have god bless u team thanks a lot for the Arabic website 🙂 talk to u soon

    please don’t feed the fire between the cookers… 🙂
    I have no idea why it should not boot then…arab4pda tested n2o3 and it worked ok 🙂

  11. i’m now on N2o3 without problems till now!! please change the icon color put the N2o2 icons they are better believe me !!! 😕 can u give me a link with 3dtaskmanager N2o3 sorry if i bother u with me these 3 days i promise i will not bother u anymore thanks team have a good time regards


    you can change WIDGET HS icons just by changing the file in C:/Data/Icons with the n2o2’s icons file of the same directory…
    about taskmanager just read the n2o3 download page…

  12. i want donate for u some money but in our country we don’t have paypal have u another way for pay thanks….

    No I don’t have any other method of donation 🙁
    do you know any good one that people who can’t use paypal can use?

  13. OK gave me Ur address i will send it through western-union or money-gram maybe some days lebanon came to paypal list hehehe i think after 300 years 😛 thanks a lot for helping me hope more people use Ur firmware OK i will change the icon now thanks u have awesome support 🙂


    you’re welcome…
    I don’t have any western union address, could you send me an email about how this method works? thanks 🙂

  14. after i installed your firmware, i couldn’t access PC studio to put my contacts back onto my phone, PC studio didn’t recognise or pick up my phone via USB, could it be the memory card?

    there are lots of things which could cause problems…

  15. hey regards where are u 3 days without support us 🙁 we missed u man!!!!need the samsungtoolbar.mif the N2o2 plz i search on internet but i get nothing plz gave the the download page thanks… and don’t forget to gave me your western-union address…

    I promise I’ll post it this evening if I’ll go home…

  16. Hey..can faenil or anyone else kindly tell me which n2o3 version should
    install if I want only English?? Is it n2o3 BASE or the INTERNATIONAL KEYBOARD version? please I really need to know..

    BASE 😉

  17. can i know where u from and ask u about western-union post office in Ur country there is a lot of them or go to and check Ur country and Ur city where is the post office near for you after send me the address and i will transferee u the money i’m wait to tell me and don’t forget the samsungtoolbar.mif and if u have cool mif can i take them?? thanks

    I am from Italy 😉 I will post the samsungtoolbar.mif files that I have got as soon as I have enough time…If I don’t , please remember me about that 😉

  18. after flash my i8910 camera not working .. and i can;t update camera future..
    is there a way to back camera work….

    what’s the problem?

  19. Ciao Faenil, ho installato un pò di giochi hd sul mio omnia e quando entro nella cartella che li contiene ci vuole un pò di tempo per caricare le icone. so che è dovuto al fatto che sono applicazioni pesanti, ma non si può fare niente per velocizzare l’apertura? grazie mille!

    purtroppo no a parte il trucchetto che era stato pubblicato sul sito di hyperx…cerca informazioni riguardo clear icon cache i8910 😉

  20. hey faenil , i know you’re busy with exams and all, but do you think that you will have enough time to implement romanian language on n203?
    Anyway , good luck with the exams 🙂

    that is my first priority, there is also a little chance I will work on it very soon 😉

  21. please Faenil take the subject Sirius I’m still wait u over 2 week about Ur address in Italy for send u money through westerunion if u don’t want no problem but let me know that 🙁 i know you’re busy with exams good luck with but please don’t forgot me man and don’t forgot the samsungtoolbar.mif wish u the best in Ur study’s

    regards chabo

  22. Hi Faenil, I face a big problem on the installation of the chinese firmware. the installation of the base rom seem to be ok, but the chinese localization is giving problem. the phone seems to be working fine but when come to composing message and switching it to chinese, the message composer will close by itself, this also goes to note composer. I hope you could create a rom update just like the n202 which will install everything into the phone instead of installing part by part. another request from me is that is it possible to set the firmware not to reformat the drive E when hard resetting the phone. Because I have loss a lot of valuable data last time when my phone got hang at the samsung loading screen. Which I could not even have chance to save all my data. Thank you

  23. Ciao faenil..prima di tutto, grazie per quello che fai!!volevo chiederti: nella modifica del firmware puoi anche cambiare un pò l’interfaccia grafica del menu? non so, ad esempio rendere il menù scorrevole tipo l’iphone sarebbe stupendo..e ovviamente se la risposta è positiva, se puoi farlo nel prossimo firmware!! :mrgreen:

  24. hello,

    well, i found two errors, i can´t update java nor flash player, it says error it´s already installed, well i know that but its the previous version to the one i´m trying to install, is there a solution?

    Even thou great rom, the best i´ve ever had, even OEM or cooked roms thank you.

  25. hi faenil
    i have big problem with my samsung hd i8910
    after format E and make hard reset to my phone and flash my phone with orignal software
    i found two folders in E thinkchange+patch dont tell format e cuz i format it already
    i think Z rom need to format(may be infacted with virus)
    also i can not press ok
    i am waiting for help

    You have to make the hardreset also AFTER flashing the original firmware, otherwise you’ll keep n2o3 folders (thinkchange and patches) 😉
    Make hardreset with *#7370# AFTER you have flashed the official firmware and let me know if everything turns ok 😉

    ok the problem solved after hard reset but after that I DID HARD RESET AND SOFT RESET AND REMOVED MEMORY CARD AND SIM then i flash the mobile with original firmare STILL PROBLEM exist
    by the way the orignal firmare should be there are no folder like thinkchange+patch in E

  27. hey faenil
    i would like to know that can we flash other region official firmwares on i8910.. it will work properly or will create a mess???


    You can do that 😉

  28. Ciao, volevo chiederti una cosa. Ho installato l’utimo firmware. Da un pò di tempo ho notato che quando l’accendo mi da “errore di sistema”. In pratica nn carica molte applicazioni e bisogna riavviarlo varie volte per farlo funzionare. Questo mi capita quando connetto il cellualare al pc. Grazie

    fai hardreset con *#7370# (ricorda prima di fare il backup delle cose importanti che hai in C ed E)

  29. Dear faenil, i’m hoping that the chinese text input can be fix by n204, there are 2 many Chinese around this world that need your help ! Thanks ! 😳

    I hope to solve that problem…even if I’m not sure I will have enough time to work on that…

  30. Is it now possible to make skype video calls with the i8910?

    fring version 4 supports it and is available for s60, but not the i8910.
    maybe you can do something?

    I used fring to make skype WIFI calls…

  31. Hey guys my phone is now stuck up with the start up screen .. im using n203 FW.. i’ve reflashed it also still lik tat only. was using it bt suddenly went to tat start up screen mode and not booting.. please help me . matter very urgen

    try hardresetting with the three hardware buttons…

  32. Hi! I’m trying to update to your n2o3 firmware- I did everything just as it said in the tutorial. What I’m getting is~ When I connect the phone to the usb when its in the blue boot screen, the “download start” button is pressable, but only the first PDA slot says it’s connected- the rest says its disconnected. When I tried pressing download, the process lasted untill the first PDA slot reached 100%, and then it sayed on the phone screen- “usb commubication error – please download again”

    The phone is not bricked, I can get into the boot screen every time, but I get the same problem.
    Please Help~! I need help ASAP I’m really worried…

    very strange…you should check if you have connected the phone to USB 2.0 ports…

  33. Hi faenil and Hi friends….

    i had another serious probes with my phone wen i gave it for service. so i had to fought hard and finally samsung service centre accepted for a replacement with a new unit.

    Now I would like to ensure frm u all like how to ame sure that the new i8910 piece he’s giving is fresh and brand new????? Is there any other code or method to find its an unused piece??????? I doubt samsungs committment. tats y !!!!!

    Please help me!!!!! Thanks in advance.

    you could check the lifetimer 🙂
    *#92702689# this is the code 😉

  34. Hey Faenil..
    is capacitive display of i8910 supports Pinch Zooming?? if it is .. den when we will get that awesome feature 😉

    Cheer………………. :mrgreen:

    the display supports multitouch, the problem is that S^1 doesn’t…

  35. So buddy is there any we can get this ???


    as I told you…S^1 does not have multitouch support, so no…I don’t think we’re going to get multitouch…

  36. Hello Faenil. Thanks for your great ROM. I have installed n2o3 and I have a problem with EXIF data. The data (day month year hours:mins) saved with the pictures is wrong (is one day and 1 hour back). I checked the time zone in the phone settings and it was set to Moscow. I put it to Rome (I am in Turin), I have rebooted (just in case) but the issue is still there. Could you please help?
    Thanks! Antonio

  37. Hi,
    I have now installed your firware with N2O3 EUROPEAN PACK. It works great. Then I installed One-click QT installer. no problems. When installing from Wikitude_i8910.sis (of comes the following error: Unable to install (pips.sis, -1). Uninstall old versions of Qt first.

    What am I doing wrong?

    read the post about wikitude

  38. Hey bro! Your ROM is still the best. But, those 1 second sound bursts still drive me nuts. Am I the only one mentioning this? Can you do something against it in your next ROM ?

    I have never noticed it…

  39. Hello! There seems to be an issue with the date on pictures with cooked roms.

    “Hello to all. I am new and this is my first post in this forum. I have tried the last HX-V7 and N2O3 ROMS and I found an issue which is common on both. I already informed Faenil for this issue.

    When you take a picture or register a video the date of the file is wrong (it is 1 day and 1h before the correct date).

    Is there any fix for this issue available? I searched on the forum but I haven’t found nothing related.

    Many thanks for your great work!

    Is there anything to do about this?

    I know about this issue, unfortunately I don’t know how to solve this problem…

  40. Ovistore app installed, but doesn’t start. Screen blinks one, and that’s it. App doesn’t start. What can I do? Thanks!

    maybe you installed the wrong version…it works perfectly on n2o3..

  41. Hey Faenil!
    Are you using your phone in 3G or in GSM mode? I told you about the increased 1 second volume problem. It seems it happens only in GSM mode. Maybe you don’t realize it because you are using 3G. I have researched this topic and many users have this problem…

    I use GSM only 🙂

  42. Hola Faenil !

    I ve tried some fw , but yours is the very best, but I have 2 questions :

    1. Did you include anything in order to save battery life? mine doesnt last longer than 6 hours, in nomal calls, with everything disabled.

    2. When you said before, “there is no modem” that means I dont need to worry about it draining my battery?

    Gracias amigo !

    1) 6 hours of call is much! My battery lasts for 6 days with low usage…
    2) no, it means that flashing n2o3 will not update your modem…

  43. Hi Faenil, I remember about the topic I email you; if it is posible change “ubication” from Nokia to samsung.
    Other question: In PowerMP3 I couldn´t read memory “F” any suggestion how to solve it?

    about ubication: I still have to try it 😉 I don’t know if I’ll have time…
    about PowerMP3, you have to ask its developers 😉

  44. Hello Faenil

    Tanks for good job,
    Like i’m a new user of the i8910 (a have the nokia 5800 before and still have it for the moment)
    I tried : HX-V7 (not reactif in menu), HX-V3 and n2O3 ( I like it, and still on it)
    So I remarque some difference the way the s60v5 works.
    1- Starting a Java application takes time (on 5800 it instantly),
    2- After installing about 20 Applications, Opening the Application folder takes time
    3- I dont understand why the portrait keyboard it’s not present by default. we have to install dayhand
    4- I use the VirtualKeyBoard 0.9.4 modded by infoser for french and on the Nokia 5800, I can make it appear/deappear by pressing Focus buton of the camera. anf not on the i8910 ???
    5- installed the game Farmfrenzy.jar but no sound, is it a problem with the Java version

    On the reste I prefer the i8910.

    So at the end, I would like to say my hope for your next baby n2o4, is:
    Integrating the portrait keyboard.
    If you can do somethings for the Java.


  45. Hello Faenil!
    Can You tell me what theme do You use in Your n2o3 fw ?
    If You can upload this theme it would be great !
    I have also second question for You:
    How to change default sounds for these from your n2o3 fw ?
    Maybe You can upload these sounds too?
    Greeting from Poland and sorry for my english ;)))

  46. Faenil ciao, ti copio un messaggio che ho messo su ipmart, spero tu mi possa aiutare, monto la tua rom, grazie <<È da ieri che il cell all'accensione si carica per circa 2 min e poi la scritta samsungmobile si blocca! Ho provato di tutto, levato sim, avviata la bootmode,fatto scaricare completamente,ricaricato,acceso come per l'hard reset ma poi premuto rosso. Non ho card. Nemmeno se lo metto in carica si vede la immagine della batteria. Ora sto scrivendo con un n70 perché sono in vacanza ancora e ho bisogno di aiuto!! Raffica di rep a chi m propone qualcosa! Il problema è che ho delle foto a cui tengo e che vorrei riavere... Cm faccio? M chiedevo, ma l'hard reset da spento cancella solo c: ? Io ho le foto su e: . Ho la mitica rom di faenil e prima stavo navigando su internet su siti sicuri e prima avevo installato windows live messenger preso qui che mi è sempre funzionato. Aiuto raga devo salvare quelle foto ps: qualcuno sa come fare un copia e incolla di testo sull'n70? So che c'entra col tasto pennino. Grazie al cielo c.È opera mini >>

    purtroppo l’hard reset nelle ultime rom sia mie che di hx cancella anche E:…
    non sono però sicuro del reset tramite tasti fisici…non mi ricordo se anche quello cancella anche E…
    mi dispiace per quello che è successo, ma sicuramente qualcosa deve essere andato storto…prova a lasciare un po’ il cell senza batteria

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