Hi guys comment on this post and write all the things that you’d like to have in the new firmware 😉
as fast as you can please 🙂
commeeeent 😀
Hi guys comment on this post and write all the things that you’d like to have in the new firmware 😉
as fast as you can please 🙂
commeeeent 😀
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Ciao Faenil,
mi trovo davvero in difficolta nel suggerirti qualche miglioria! 🙂
vediamo, io aggiungerei:
1) l’hack dello sfondo che cambia ogni tot minuti suggerito da n95star (non quello in flash eh!)
2) le rotazioni in tutto in cell
3) connessione a pacchetto impostata subito su “a richiesta” perche a ogni devo correre a impostarla altrimenti mi si connette e mi scala del credito
poi a priorità più bassa
4) mettere da subito le animazioni e suoni di startup in E:\Startup (per esempio) così è più facile personalizzarsele
poi opinione mia personale
5) mi piace di più la scritta iniziale “Omnia HD” (sciocchezza)
6) non mi piace molto il kastor del tastierino numerico, lo trovo un po sgranato e antiestetico
In ogni caso io sono già contentissimo così di questa rom!
Ciao e grazi di tutto! 🙂
1,2,4 sono già fatti
5 non fa niente
6 ok…
Just some peanuts:
1) Simple “OFF” setting regarding the camera shutter tone.
2) PF (infinity) focus for the camera (important for snapshots).
3) Better photo JPEG compression (not killing all shades of green).
4) Get rid of that ugly, loud signal tone after disconnecting the charger, after successfully sending an SMS, after applications installation, and so on.
5) Increased Bluetooth A2DP volume (not the Bluetooth volume in phone calls, but with MP3s.
6) Fast KS in MP3 player song list.
7) At least 8 application start icons on the homescreen.
I guess that’s it already, no big deals – but maybe not possible to change via ROM cooking.
One last little issue: I found that German localization was a bit faulty last time; again, no big deal, but noticeable.
faenil: If you need anything English translated into German, drop me an eMail together with screenshots of the terms to translate (it’s very important having screenshots to see the context the terms are used in). I am a professional translator; that’s just my everyday job. 🙂
1) ok
2) ok
3) compression is already set to 100% quality—> I already told you, I can’t go any further…
4) …
5) can’t do this
6) can’t do this
7) lool 🙂
qualcuno lo ha scritto anche prima e anche a me piacerebbe se ci fosse un modo di avere la tastiera T9 in portrait e quella alfanumerica in landscape semplicemente girando il telefono 🙂
raga nn se po faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hi. Is there a chance to voice dialing?
ciao chef….io concordo con Pirikitto…adesso avremo anche il dizionario funzionante(finalmente)e con le ultime aggiunte è perfetto…puoi vedere di risolvere delle fesserie tipo la calibrazione della bussola viene persa ad ogni riavvio, il bluetooth con c2z attiva da errore(alcuni hanno detto ma forse era la versione precedente perchè io sulla n2o2 senza KS nel menù è tutto ok)..per il resto niente…dai sforna un’altra prelibatezza…
ok…la calibrazione bussola è così…
I would like to request EAP-TTLS/PAP authentication support for Wifi. EAP-TTLS is there, it’s just the PAP authentication protocol that is missing. After years of requesting, Nokia users have finally got Nokia to add it to their S60 devices in recent firmware updates for the N97 and 5800 (see http://www.forum.nokia.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98362). Can the PAP authentication protocol be “copied” from the N97 or 5800 firmware to the i8910?
The reason I would like to see this is that most universities in Europe (even Australia and Canada soon) are part of the Eduroam project (http://www.eduroam.org/) which use this for their Wifi. Without it students can’t connect to the free university Wifi with the i8910 🙁
In any event, you are doing awesome work Faenil, keep it up 🙂 🙂
I don’t think I can import this, but thanks for the hint…I’ll look into this in the future…
All drawbacks of N202 to be romoved like no sounds for autofocus, no sounds for video rec start stop options, all sensors should start, all advantages of HX V4 pls but stability should be kept.
sounds are ok now..
what does all advantages of v4 mean??
i want symbian^3 and multi touch on i8910
yes and I want a new home 😉
Gaurav: Disagree.
In many cases you want to take photos without making a big deal out of it; maybe you like to picture a nice woman passing by. The sounds will reveal your secret activity. 🙂 And what’s the problem with having a look at the screen – if the reticle turns green, it’s focused. Why you need a sound for doing that ?
Same with video recording: The screen shows if the recording is running or not; you don’t need any acoustic feedback because you’re watching the screen anyway.
If all sensors get activated by default, thousands of people will start whining about the higher battery consumption. So just let them choose for themselves if they want the sensors active or not. 🙂
sounds are ok now -> if you want no sound use silent profile…
agree, totally, the less sounds in ROM the better for me…pls remove startup and shutdown animation and sounds,or make poll who need to know that his device is starting, hmm? Not me… cheers
e potresti includere track id della SE? 🙂
Ciao Faenil,
mi complimento per il lavoro svolto. Io non ho mai usato rom cucinate ma tu mi hai convinto e così ho flashato. Ottima rom. La prossima settimana ti supporterò….
1) non mi piace il kastor del tastierino numerico, sgranato.
2) spero che tu possa implementare il voice call – voice dial.
3)miglioramento dello scrolling in galleria-
1) in che senso sgranato? è lo stesso delle altre schermate…
2) che cos’è?
3) nah…
Hi there. For me, having Opera Mobile as a default browser is a must.
1 ovi maps 3.03 o 3.04 preinstallato e funzionante.
2 jacksms per symbian preinstallato.
3 nel desktopdi base fingertips vorrei poter aggiungere più di 4 applicazioni a scelta. (o anche nel desktop widget se possibile più di 4 personalizzabili.
4 un paio di temi preinstallati in più.
5 aggiorni il core al D1?
6 si può eliminare la barra laterale nel menu con il KS?
7 si può attivare il KS nei menu e disattivare la rotazione ?
8 un paio di suonerie ad hoc per chiamate e sms preinstallate
9 si può integrare un supporto migliore nokia email messagin 10.0.2? quando guardo le email col mio non mi funziona il push email.
1) non tutti usano ovimaps
2) mmm nah
3) non si può..
4) occupano tanto spazio i temi…
5) no –> si perde il java fixato se aggiorni al jd1
6) no..
7) disattivare? la vogliono far tutti attivare…
8) mm
9) non penso che faccio in tempo a fare queste prove…
grazie per il commento 😉
scusa, per sgranato intendo dire l’effetto ingrandimento della schermata che precede l’apparizione del tastierin.
chiamata vocale innanzitutto e poi comandi vocali.
faenil one question. conversations in messages??? pleaseeeeee. U R the best faenil!!!!
Speedziarz says:1. Multi-Touch
2. Better photo quality, this is very important (maybe some camera mods for better quality of picture)
FAENIL:1) you kidding? 🙂
2) you kidding two? 🙂
ahhahahhaha,I’m sorry I had to laugh
1) change KS effects, specially that one zooming the screen (ugly and appears big blocks). Attention than some crash Opera Mobile on rotation…
2) disable contact rotation on SMS (if you write on landscape contacts should not rotate)
3) less garbage on C, I suspect there are some things that can be deleted (do not delete Portuguese T9 LOL)
4) NO Adobe Reader and NO Quickoffice please (or make them Uninstallable!)
5) ability to change default browser and default photo viewer
6) when on silent profile, no camera sound
7) PLEASE make proximity sensor -when on a call- like NOKIA: on i8910 to access “silent”, “keypad”, etc we have to use the UNLOCK key even if the phone is not on your face! On Nokia when you have the phone on your face it locks, when it´s not it unlocks, as simple as that!
1. When the quiet profile, disable all sounds, applications, games
2. Do not play download things from youtubeň
3. When playing music in the default browser when confronted SMS is no sound (best if this folder directly to your headphones, and incoming call)
4. And to integrate some applications such as TrackID or TTPOD
Basically a lot of people want this new firmware to be “identical” to Latest HX project. Why not come with more original ideas? These FW’s are similar enough already..
Would be be cool if you could implement some new cool design elements. Like animated wallpaper or something else different and catchy.
Just my 2 cents.
you’re right, definetely.
they’re just used to that style
Hi Faenil,
first of all my compliments for your excellent work (very soon I’ll contribute with a donation, that’s mandatory for me).
About the “suggestions”, I think that n2o2 is perfect for everyday normal use and I’m not interested in “restiling” modifications as themes or other useless things. But I think that some effort, if it is possible for you, must be done towards two interesting things:
a) implementation of native VoIP (as N97)
b) possibility to use the front camera for videocalling with fring or other similar products
Finally, but not very important afterall, I found very useful to have six icons in home page when I use the fingeruse interface (homescreen satio): http://www.nokioteca.net/home/forum/index.php?showtopic=167061&hl=
Thanks again
p.s.: it look interesting 8image stabilization): http://www.ipmart-forum.it/showthread.php?275418-Progetto-I8910-IS-%28Image-Stabilization%29-by-Jined
hey are you using n2o2 ? 😀
fullpage and navbar are already included!! 😀
about is : well it’s just a trick, and it was well known to photographers 😉 nothing new…
DayHand style rotation in landscape would be nice or do those hacks slow the phone down?
I can’t include that…not all people like it…
The facebook for Omnia HD app from the italian samsung app store
you can install it later 😉
😮 am really happy that u at least reply everybody’s comment n do solve our problem personally
from 2day onwards i ll use only ur firmware i wont use anybody’s lame firmware yuk hehe
thanks 4 providing this link
you’re welcome 😉
It would be great if u could put kinetic scrolling and landscape modus everywhere…
ok 😉
Hello Faenil…
n202 is great but……. is it possible to………
have 3d navigation without installing 3rd party app… because i’m changing apps on left and right swipe such as handy homescreen… (as if i have more than one home screen…)
contacts(nokia) homescreen???
vmenu instead of the default menu button on homescreen… but if its possible to modify it in such a way that the task manager is not the one that vmenu has…
isms/conversations as default messaging app…
there is this app “tree additional buttons” on homescreen and it works well with navigation homescreen and full page screen, but not with widgets homescreen… can you do something about it???
thanks a lot…
can’t do anything about three buttons..
regarding 3dnav, I’ll use a different method in the new release, it involves a 3rd party app, but it is not a task manager 😉 so you can use handy taskman 🙂
i8920: people want first what they need for a good day-to-day use, before they ask for cute things. Those things I see mentioned were addressed by HX´s FW and asking Faenil for some of those just shows how people love Faenil´s FW but want those features aswell. I´m on Faenil´s FW and it´s a lot more stable + spends less battery than HX´s, but I admit that some features already present on HX´s (and others) are very nice and help A LOT.
Meanwhile, those “cute” and fancy things, I rather see them as external packages where people install what they like. I already said several times that what I find lacking A LOT on i8910 is good and advanced WIDGETS like HTC CLOCK (one transparent, another no transparent), HQ “notes” widget, possibility to change FONTS, SWITCH to allow fixed background / slideshow background, etc.
ok for widgets 🙂
fonts –> you have to install 3rd party software…
slideshow–> ok
I also would like to see:
– switch to put AMOLED brightness to MINIMUM as on “energy saver mode” (when battery stays with ZERO bars)
– Widgets (those I mentioned plus Radio widget, BBC widgets, Sport Widgets, TV widgets)
1) it already does it…
2) ok
Hi Faenil,
Can i still request for the new thing?
1. i really hope that u can include original software in 8gb/16gb to be flash differently as hyperx firmware so we can safe some space in c:
2. all standard application is removed and be put in the new content in sis/sisx so user who wish the full app can install all the app or less app
3. new custom folder icon in roots so can solve the kinetic scrolling prob
4. nice kastor effect
5. custom widget
thanks and regards
1) nah, not needed…use autoinstaller, it’s much better 😉
2) yes this was my idea, but lots of the files of samsung apps are in ROM, so we can’t delete them from there…
3) ok for the custom folder
4) ok widgets 🙂
I need continuous focus in video recording and enable anti-shake in video recording. And use radio without handset.
using radio without handset must be enabled in secret audio menu—> can’t do that by default…
continuous–> don’t know how to do that atm
1. fast
2. make camera button(soft) as “the pen” when NOT it camera mode.
3. sms (threaded view)
4. improved contact, like, it searches the nickname field too. picture can be seen when a contact with picture texts
5. kinetic scrolling
6. better photo quality even in slightly shaded places
7. stable video recording.
8. integrated lock(phone lock needed to unlock?) for certain menu/application, like settings, etc. so no one can mess up the settings.
9. Multi-Touch, if possible.
1) well, much depends on kastor effects
2) no..
3) conversations?
4) yeah I like that, but I don’t know how to do it…
5) ok
6) this is the camera –> don’t expect it to be a digital reflex, it won’t get better than what it already is
7) it already is stable–> won’t get better than this, 24fps is the maximum for our chip
8) can’t do this
9) no, forget it 🙂
1)photocontacts a griglia e non una foto sull’altra..
2)poter registrare le telefonate
3)ottimizzare al massimo per risparmio batteria
4)qualche # di cell di belle tope 😉
1) come si fa?
2) non sappiamo come ancora
3) ok…
4) ahahhah
Nokia Music player
nokia 5800 contacts bar homescreen
improved kinetic scrolling speeds in menu , contacts , music player
please remove 3d task switcher uses too much battery & clashes with 3rd party taskman i mean sometimes 3rd party taskman does not autostart
keep a patch or include 3d nav with dialer on left
Made lots of tried importing nokia music player—> no success
ks will be a bit faster in new version
3dtask –> I don’t understand this comment… there are two version of my rom , task and notask…
Ciao faenil, ho letto un po delle tue risposte e volevo chiederti perchè il KS nel lettore musicale non è fixabile?
perchè è colpa del file eseguibile del lettore…
Hi Faenil,
First of all, thanks for excellent work..
Inclusions I can think of:
> Autorotate in every screen..
> Multi touch input
> Better encoder for image capture (as more emphasis is on 720p recording) this should be excellent
> Faster response from Music player.
> mkv support in Video player.
> Integrate Nokia photo browser
> Free up some space on C:\
> dayhand input or SlideIt integrated for SMS.
> Remove quick Office and PDF reader (we have a PC for that 😉 )
> Press and hold the volume rocker keys to play next song in Media playlist (as in SE walkman phones)
> Add a more eye catchy / sexy Kastor effect.. (people should envy i8910)
> dats all thanks in advance…
All da best and thanks for ur efforts again..
half of your requests are impossible to accomplish…sorry…
Need to integrate VoIP
made lots of tried –_> no success at the moment
Not sure if it is down to this firmware or not but I was using skyfire today to watch tvcatchup for tor the first time on n202 and whilst trying to put it in landscape mode the buttons Options & Close (I think they were) appeared on the screen taking up 1/3rd of it in the way that they do if you turn the phone into landscape mode in the menu mode. This pretty much makes watching tv impossible – although the problem is replicated just using skyfire in landscape.
If there is a way to fix it I’d be VERY grateful!
weird…it shouldn’t be like that…
Also… I’m not 100% sure the phone only looks in c,e&f:/Gallery for images as for example I have lots of map files in e:/trackonfly/images and these all appear in my gallery.
Oh and kinetic scroll when reading emails in the default messaging folder would be good.
we can’t tell the firmware where TO LOOK, we can only tell where NOT TO LOOK…
so we will never be able to add all the folders of all the softwares all the i8910 use…
there will always be a software which has not been excluded that will pop up in gallery
Hx was able to integrate sonyericcson’s track id app. Can you do it as well? 🙂
ofc I can…but that would make the firmwares all too similar
Voice dialling please…
there are 3rd party apps for this..
mmick: Most of the stuff can be added as a package (widgets, fonts etc). That “cute” suggestion was just an example of something NEW. What i am missing is the reason for using this F.W ove an other one. I never had stability issues with for instance HX’s FWs so there should be something more unique if you ask me. Hope you got what i ment this time.
Yeh I know what you mean…but I can’t invent features…I can only modify settings, like any other cooker…no mods are invented, they only come from the modification of config files
Hey Faenil,
I love ur firmware! I’ve been using it for like 4 months now! The features i would like to see added are:4
1. FM Transmitter (if it is possible to activate it 😕 )
2. New Shutdown/Startup sound and images!
3. Full Auto-Rotation! Like in homesscreen, menu, contacts! (Like the Nokia N86 8mp)
4. Nokia Ngage 5800 on i8910 (This is wishful thinking)
5. N97 homescreen (with all the nokia bots)(just a thought 😆 )
6. BBconnect like on Nokia E63 (Blackberry Connect)
7. Python Enabled
8. IM (Instant messenger) 😀
9. PTT (push to talk) (not sure if the hardware is installed to support it)
10. Continuous Auto-Focus for video recording (like on Vivaz)
11. Having a threaded SMS software as the default SMS software!
Thats just a list of some really nice features which would just make it even more amazing!
1) no
2) you’ll be able to use your own
3) ok
4) ngage will not work, they use different dlls for accelerometer
5) n97 hs can’t be imported without core editing
6) can’t do that
7) you can install python easily –> no need to eat C space for that
8) same as 7
9) don’t know about ptt
10) don’t know how to do this
11) lots of people want it…I’ll make a poll
Guarda io vorrei solo una n2o2 con il tema “Precision Theme-Modd by sceriffo” che ti ho gia passato sul forum ipmat perche è il tema piu veloce e leggero in assoluto…
poi preferirei che la rom sia piu snella possibile(senza programmi pre-istallati) cosi ognuno se la modifica come vuole…e poi se si puo veloccizzare i gia bellissimi effetti kastor che hai messo nella n2o2
Per me una rom cosi è perfetta…
il fatto è che se la do senza programmi, i programmi samsung non possono essere reinstallti attraverso sis…
It would be very helpful to me if the video camera and save files in a folder only, and not create a folder for each day. 😆
can’t do this…
I don’t know if this is possible, but, i had a Nokia 5800 which could do this and they’re the same operating system, S60v5, so…
When writing a text message, when you turn the phone landscape it would change to a qwerty keyboard, when you turned it portrait, it would change to a number keyboard, like a traditional phone with letters or just strictly numbers, which ever you choose. You could disable this option and set it to a specific keyboard. Would an OPTION like that be possible on this firmware? On the Nokia version 40.0.005 firmware it’s available (i think 50.0.005 is out now), along with other improvements.
Is it possible to move features over from the Nokia 5800 firmware? It is the same operating system on the phone.
I don’t know how at the moment…I don’t think this is doable though
Hand writing recognition.. like the one in the old cell phones. where a release of touch would mean an end of a character, (fast texting). like in SE P990. (this might screw up kinetic scrolling, may have to disable kinetic scrolling in text mode).
this is also where when you write on the upper side, its a number, when write on the lower side, lower case. when write in the middle, upper case. when write is vertical from down to up, next write is a special character.
built in Hand writing is not good. =/
can’t do that mate…
Wow. Well faenil if you could implement just a quarter of the request’s in this thread you would be a genius. 😀
Another thing you could do, given that within the Roma, there are some applications that do not all use, you could remove everything, then everyone can install through a file. Sis
Our rum being much lighter to work
that’s what I wanted to do—> doesn’t work…samsung apps can’t be installed via sis
1. ks overall
2. powermp3
3. trackid
4. phonetorch
5. 3d icons at the bottom in the homescreen just like ur last release the n2o2
6. jokers kastor effects the fastest
im still using n2o2 right now and im loving it. i havnt crush it yet and its a bug free. il be waiting ur next release.
1) you already have it…
2) you can install it
3) same as 2
4) same as 2
5) ok
6) you mean type 2?
oh i 4got to mention the conversation app integrated on the messaging section. thanks alot. 😀