Since symbian future is partially to QT, we have to look after its development π
On July 27th QTMobility 1.0.2 has been released, together with a technology preview of QTMobility 1.1.0,
so I have decided (with some delay, sorry for that, you know how busy I am with n2o4) to update the One-click QT Installer which have been so successfull since is has been released…
so here we go, new Qt Installer, same link, so that all the website that have already linked to my website won’t need to update the link π The old one is no more available, since I have overwritten the file on the server π
Only news is: it includes QTMobility 1.0.2 libraries π
Download it now! π
ONE CLICK QT INSTALLER by faenil&madhacker
ps to those of you waiting for n2o4, I can say that the baby is near to its betatesting π
faeniiiiil… you are so… so… I love you π³
we need more people like you! GREAT WORK madhacker and faenil π
ps: waiting for n204… good luck guy
Hi everyone. I have skype which works on our phones. I can help…..
can you make calls? send me an email to faenil@ if this is the case, or if you want to help in any case π
Give me 5 min……
sure, but please send it asap because it’s 2am here π
Perhaps you can explain exactly how you managed to get Skype working for you?
Faenil can you please take care that recorded soundclips will show up again in
“Gallery -> Sound Clips” like it was in LITv2?
Greetings Psy
Thanks for updated QT installer π
ciao grazie per l’aggiornamento… volevo chiederti se e possibile fare da tester per la n204 grazie.
Great !… can’t wait N204 π
Top man! Just a quick question: is it possible to access the bios to alter ram/cpu/gpu and bus timings? Or is it locked? Pretty experienced with pc overclocking and wondered if it is possible on the i8910. Soz if i sound a bit noob just not delved in to mobile hardware tweaking before so don’t know whats possible. Keep up the awesome work duder! Eagerly awaiting N204!
Hey Faenil, you rocks!! thanks to keeps open!1 π
Hi Faenil,
On you can find a method to pre-hack nokia phones without rompatcher.
Could this be usefull for n204?
Awaiting your Fw!
i still dont know wat the hell is this QT… wat it will do with our phone.
@ greenbat – I think pnht are working exclusively with HyperX and so probably wont allow faenil to integrate any of their work into his firmware unfortunately! π
heyperX recently releasd HX-V8 and havent integrated Qt in it. insted, he linked to faenils pit and sugested everyone to instal One-click QT Installer by faenil. so, I dont think that pnht wont allow faenil to do such thing. btw, its betwin pnht and faenil, mayB faenil dont even want to do this…
well, great work guys.
I do remmember that I told you I post your news on an iranian forum. and you told me to link my posts for you. well, its not much, but we all apariciate your hard work there. and here it is:
Is this new version of Qt installer compatible with fontrouter? If not will any version of Qt be compatible with fontrouter? Cheers, Dan
thank u dear faenil
i just waiting for ur next fw
also… u r very famous in iran π
u don’t have any idea that how much fans u have in persian forums π
i will trying to develop ur work in this side π
faenil bro, Nokia File Browser v4.5.2 is out but we n203 users cnt update it coz its in ”z” so plz dnt include such softwares in ur next rom which got updated with time, like quick office [ i know its excluded], autoinstaller, filebrowser etc. plz dnt neglect
Can someone please, please, give me some more examples of QT apps other than Wikitude?
I’ve been trying to find more to install π
@ashtan: I’m using ComingSoon for cinema and film news, but I don’t know if it’s working only in Italy or elswhere too. Other then that there are few more QT apps for Nokia sets, such System 7 for push mails, but it seems it’s restricted with machine ID check atm.
waits for the beta and gf’s sis

@Fevves – I can’t get System Seven to load at all despite having the QT Library installed and setting the phone to ‘N97’!! π
@Prozac69: Neither could I… It seems it’s not compatible with i8910 per se π
Arse! πΏ
– Fixed scrolling in mediaplayer
– Rotating qwerty
– MiniQwerty
because those mods have been developed only by pnht which have denied my request to use them in n2o4,
so please stop asking for those, thanks
ma che significa???? nel senso tu hai modificato le QT per il nostro HD e HX le pubblica sul suo sito! Γ¨ la stessa faenil fatti rispettare..fino ad oggi ogni mod inventata da te o da altri e stata condivisa per il bene della comunitΓ (e del nostro dispositivo), ora nn se ne possono uscire con le esclusive ! sbaglio o lβidea di Facebook era venuta prima a te???β¦e il backup???
scusate lo sfogoβ¦io non preferisco ne HX ne faenilβ¦ma quel che Γ¨ giusto e giusto!
hey waiting for ur new fw.i have hx v8 now but i dont like it.bro please make an non ks menu version for english only.i wait that non ks from long time ago.good luck
I am glad that the Faenil firmware does not have built-in QT, for those of us here who want the QT its easy for us to install it like any other app.
QT at least for a long time will remain basically useless except for experimentation / a few beta apps and so on….. So at least for me I hate to waste space on C: or any other memory for stuff which hardly has any apps and which is basically still in beta and will be for a long time.
ciao, aspetto con curiositΓ la tua prossima (a breve sembra) rom, posseggo 2 omnia hd uno con la tua ultima e l’altro con la v7 del tuo…collega, ti volevo suggerire se puoi di non aumentare i valori della qualitΓ foto a 100 perchΓ¨ penso che non serva a niente o che forse addirittura peggiori le cose….prova a leggere qua se puoi, grazie ciao
Qtinstaller on the N8 V13.06 not upgrade
plaese help me
use the packages from Nokia website to install qt on N8…this package is for S60v5…