n2o5 firmware for i8910: updates about beta1

ok guys here are some updated info:

beta2 will probably start on thursday, and it won’t be the last one, there will be a beta3 at least. I’ve got an exam on thursday, so I’m also busy studying these days.

Moreover, betatesters are not behaving correctly. Most of them never answered to my emails, and like 20/25 have not sent me the report I asked for yet, which is disappointing and makes me sad.

I remember I warned people that this thing needed TIME, and it was not FUN. But they applied…

Betatesting is CRUCIAL step in software’s development, and it requires effort.

Luckily enough there are those 5 people who are actively cooperating, and we already found the most important bugs in beta1, which have already been fixed (beta2 will include the fixes).

What’s fun is some betatester also leaked info about the beta…I mean there must be a reason if I did not share it publicly, don’t you think?….
Sorry guys, I’m just a bit pissed off from this whole story. It’s not fun when people do not take you seriously.

Better go to bed now, it’s 3:50am here.

Goodnight people,


73 thoughts on “n2o5 firmware for i8910: updates about beta1

  1. Don’t be mad, it was expected as most nicks applying for betatesting were people that never did anything for i8910 execpt the fact they have it.

    Take greater care on tier 2 😉

    Learn some and move on.

    ps: you know it makes sense.

  2. Hi Faenil, shame on people who did not take n05 seriously. I did not apply for beta testing earlier b’coz I did not have time them. I m free now and u can trust me. I m a thoroughgoing tecnoholic,own Omnia HD for 1 and half years, and aquainted with every aspect of it. Give me a try if u wish. My mail: raakaysh99@gmail.com

  3. Che gentaglia!
    Non angustiarti, in questa società di imbroglioni e superficiali la parola data vale fino allo scomparire della sua eco.

  4. E’ vero Faenil il betatesting e’ di cruciale importanza…la mia hxv11 e’ gia da tempo che mi da problemi e tra un po l’hard reset sara inevitabile…secondo me grazie al fatto che il Tedesco ha fatto fare da betatester veramente a cani e porci e questo e’ il risultato….

  5. What do u knw Faenil- there r jackasses evrywhere! Newayz gud luk wit the beta testing. I’m nt applying cause i dnt have enuf time. Rgds 😉

  6. Shame on who? They did one hell of a lousy job, were eager to have a “brand new” CFW and they failed cause they have to wait just like anybody else now… plain stupid I might add. Also, I feel most of those people wanted pre release so they could brag how bad it is or simply to point out how they have a newest one… I just feel sorry for them and that is all. Faenil knows well how to do it all on his own and beta testing is only shorting the time to get there, but not this time as first beta phase went almost bad… but I confide in beta2 and those few great testers that always was there for Faenil!

    Cheers to you ppl, those who did their hard work in helping Faenil in the first phase!


  7. Faenil: Given that so many people have made this place and adult offending board, its about time for faenil to make people’s nightmare reality. faenil is going to make destructive firmware (which will overclock and damage samsung’s processor, internal flash memory, Battery etc)

  8. It was only a matter of time till the fake faenil popped his head up and started speaking shit again, everybody please ignore this loser as he is one of many who pop up on here speaking shit. To the real Faenil thank you for helping us and im looking forward to this new firmware.

  9. I would like to help you out with beta-testing Faenil.

    Chatted to you last week and we talked about the old commodore 64 and you even fished out one of your old games you still had while we chatted. I’ve never beta tested before but I always pay great attention to detail and I will be sure to be thorough in trying every menu, program and multiple reboots to give you the best information on any glitches/problems or even praise in what is working really well.

    Give me a holler at benhaylock@gmail.com if you would like to trust me to help you out. I’m from Australia and only speak English though. Cheers bud. 😉

  10. Ok, The first thing required to test new mods is the most basic Stable base firmware files.

    After only that we can implement new mods :
    The most required mods are :

    1. Waking up touch when phone is unlocked.
    2. Giving the Phone an Amazing unlocking menu key method.
    3. Changing songs with the hardware buttens when phone is Locked.
    4. Installing many softwares in phone stillkeeping stable.
    5. Making gallery stable ( Found somebody found solution on dailymobile ).

    For all above solutions Just mail me or come on Chat.

    I may not be that much known to you. But have a big experience of modding era.
    I think you have got email too.

    Goodluck for future of Firmware. Also Hope God will get you somewhere good position for helping so many people around the globe.

    I cannot see you , But will surely Pray.

    1. Dude, did you just sell yourself here? Faenil is not looking to
      hire people for money you know, and he knows what mod means!
      and plus what the F*** does this s*** have anything to do with Faenil’s comment?

  11. Just give it up, get back to life. You sound like a complete ass. You probably are… No wonder here your shit got leaked, you’re a disgraceful cum-bucket and so is your stupid firmware.

    Just by reading your posts is like a torn in my sight, don’t even know why I’m still checking this crappy weblog run by some big mouth kid. It’s not like you’re going to be groundbreaking any time soon.

    Give it up kid, you’re never be the real deal like HyperX, DSA, Wireless and some others.

    1. good question! Why are you still checking my website? 🙂

      About myself and other modders: send them an email and read what they think about me, so that you can shut your mouth up 🙂 and we always had nice conversations, and we always cooperated. Your comment just does not make sense 🙂

    2. After reading this useless piece of comment… I click on an advertising just to give even more strength to faenil in your work 😀 😀 😀

      1. And if everyone who enjoys working Faenil are also attentive readers of this blog advertising, you can be sure that the Faenil will DO MANY MORE MODS for many years to come, and ALWAYS FREE to us!


  12. Niente da fare Faenil,tutta la marmaglia che frequentava il sito di Hyperx sembra essersi trasferita qui da te.Fossi in te riprenderei in considerazione il fatto di aprire i commenti solo agli utenti registrati….Diego

  13. istiyom I’m sorry I’ve hurt you so sabirsizdim android not to live with it See larger image I want to learn faein 8910 205 8910 also does not flash, I would like to throw them into the air with them head-on skyfire cokmu N8 is also difficult to come sorry I wish I would thank

  14. Didn’t say anything about your internet friendships which, I’m sure, you have a lot.

    Just saying you’re kind of HX’s mongoloid little gay brother. And so is your firmware metaphorically speaking. The one everyone takes a piss on on just for the sheer fun of it. Probably wouldn’t make any difference if your incompetent firmware actually was good, you’re still the lonely kid for ever wandering in the shadows, forever to be forgotten. Even your own piss and shit would forsake you the first chance it gets. Hell, I’m sure your piss would take a piss on you and felt like it was a waste of piss afterwards. Because you’ll always be the kid in the back of the classroom, all alone. And I’ll be there riding a unicorn over the rainbow, while drinking from a bottle filled with the laughter of children, pointing and laughing at you.

    1. ahahahaahahahahah XD

      it seems like I’m not the one looking for attention here 🙂 anyway since your comment contains such a big deal of bullshits, I’ll delete the coming ones, I don’t want my blog to be full of trolls like you, but I’ll leave these ones, so that people will be able to read what some people can pull out of their hat 😉

    2. mi dici ,testa, che fw hai cucinato per venire qui a blaterare.
      la lingua c’è l’hai ma il cervello……………………..?

      1. beh allora saro l’unico(anke se ne dubito xk qnd nn capisci qualke funz di qualke prog da qualke parte devi guardare) stavo usando un gg symsmb e nn ci capivo molto e se avessi avuto i file help k cmq sn pochi kb forse avrei capito qualcosa, cmq se la cosa è troppo sbatti NN FA NIENTE(stai gia facendo molto x i8910….grazie, e nn ti voglio aumentare il lavoro) invece se è una cavolta mettili su k servono….ma piu k altro rendono completo il fw tra tutte le opzione del menu qst è l’unico k da manca

        1. certo che l’aiuto di symsmb è utile, ma io ho tolto quelli di sistema….

          i file di aiuto dei programmi li installano i programmi stessi…

          1. infatti, allora sara una sorta di bug o qualke errore della funz ma in un qualsiasi prog qnd cerco di accedere al comando help ma da errore x controllare ho appena provato su autoinstaller e su nUnlock e cè sempre l’errore eppure i file d’aiuto dovrebbero esserci. dici k è un prob k ho io sul mio cell xk pensavo k fosse il fw k si comportava cosi

  15. your popularitty increased to the stars,even if there are some persons that are trying to offend you,this mean that you are interesting them even.for me,those words are seems empty,not saying nothing,even more,they all are breathless watching you.you might say that,this is a small price of your popularitty,that yoy ;are paying;,but,let them speak,i am sure that even they,will enjoy your last firmware,that you are gonna release.it would be complette,if the next firmware,would have the nav and the 3d task.success with your exams.

  16. faenil ignore the idiots on here using my nic and good luck with the new firmware, im sure it will be the best firmware when its finished. Number 19 is the only comment Ive made on here. The idiot who made comment number 20 and 24 using my nic is another of those sad losers who hide behind a keyboard and write shit. To that person I say eat shit and die mother fucker.

  17. Anyway, I did not get this meta-bi beta faenil Send to chatter just as we do we try it does not say what happens in the middle of a concrete thing for 5 days now let’s see here we do not have anything else just talk to the beta faenil N205

  18. here is a short message to that older nicknamed failin.you mai be right about Faenil that is a kid,we all been at his age,but the difference that studd is that is showing much more wisdom and respect,instead of you,who are spoke him with superioritty and lack of good behaviours.what u are,almost 30?does not seems.lets settle out in a bull rope match.

  19. Old dog, maybe if you donate enough, he will puff your little Peter. Unless you’re female, you’re sounding very gay. Maybe you can upload a picture of your manboobs for all to enjoy.


  21. And maybe, just maybe, for once you could grow some brain and stay quiet instead of spouting your usual brain fart BS.

    Have you ever wondered if you’re greatly missed at your birthplace and only home you have – under that rock that none remembers where to find? I know it’s time for you to go back home poor creature.

    Hurry up, your mommy is missing you already.

  22. Hi Faenil,
    for beta2 testing you can definitely count withy my two testers on Czech forum there.
    You are doing great stuff, but dont break your neck, buddy! :))

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