
busy days the last ones…

28 and 29 got two written exams, 30 and 1 moved to a new house, finished unpacking all the things yesterday evening…

Now I’m back to work, preparing for the exams which will come at half of july (less than 2 weeks remaining 🙁 ) and finishing n2o5…

I’ll provide a new update of i8910tuning app to the betatesters with many updates and UI changes, and that will probably be an RC version…

Hopefully withing tomorrow…

thanks to everyone of you for signing up and keeping this blog alive with your comments and nice words! Thanks!


23 thoughts on “Updates

  1. Best of luck with your exams dude!

    This must be one hell of a firmware- taking about more than 4 months now- wow 😛

    Anyways bye,


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