about new swype beta

Hi guy some of you requested a new modded package for the new swype beta… but there’s a problem, I can’t even get the new beta to start on i8910 (I modded the package to install on i8910, but it doesn’t work)… is there anyone who’s using the latest beta on i8910

faenilator goes on…codecs part done ;)

Hi guys 🙂 The faenilator is going on, and I can now say that the JPEG CODECS part of the new faenilator is complete! 🙂 Don’t want to show you anything at the moment, I would ruin the surprise of the new UI 🙂 Cheers, faenil 🙂

about new firmware and new Qt Libraries release (4.7.1)

Hi guys, first of all I want to thank ALL of you for the nice comments you have left in the latest post 😉 I’d like to remember you some things which I won’t work on because they’re unlikely to become true: – SKYPE, VOIP CALLS, VOICE DIALING, SPB SHELL BY DEFAULT (I contacted SPB […]