In need of GIMP experts =)

Ok guys so here’s what I need 🙂 is there anyone out there who knows how to make wonderful things with GIMP ? No photoshop, only GIMP.. ^_^ I’m looking for those people…to assign them a task the reward? A FREE licence for : XPLORE or LCG JUKEBOX! 🙂 Send me an email to […]


Ok guys, the Symbian Foundation CEO has suddenly left today… Samsung, SE, also the CEO is now leaving Symbian to the destiny we all already know… I was almost conviced to buy the Nokia N8…I wanted to give Symbian another chance, and I wanted to enjoy myself with new discoveries about the new OS… But […]

mobile website and updates

Ok guys like hyperx, I have added a mobile version of the website, so that you won’t have to load all that javascript when u’re surfing on you phones 😀 About the faenilator, I’m currently stuck because I can’t get it to upgrade, it worked, but I have some problems now, and madhacker has a […]