sorry guys, no dic yet…

Sorry guys I tried the solution I had in mind…but it’s not enough… it’s still not working… CONTENTS NOT FOUND (all files are in E:/PowerDictV9, 24files, 56Mb) can’t understand what the heck is wrong …

SHOCKING NEWS: The truth (maybe) about JPEG CODECS!!!

Hi guys…this article is dedicated to all the people who usually replace their jpeg codec, putting the jpeg codec file in C:/System/Data/ and say, ” WOW PIX ACTUALLY LOOK BETTER!!” This news will be shocking, and I hope someone will reply with technical motivations saying that I am telling lies 🙂 Because otherwise, I just […]


Hi guys 🙂 I just made a new live chat for all of you!! It has a maximum of 25 users per time, but I hope it is enough 😀 If you have anything to ask, feel free to go there 🙂 BUT: PLEASE LOOK FOR YOUR PROBLEM IN OTHER SOURCES FIRST, I TRY TO […]