hi guys this is for you 🙂
and it works smooth ^^
Menu : English, Turkish <-------> T9: English, Turkish 🙂
Enjoy turkish friends!! 🙂
ps I have added the Indonesian to the localization poll, come on indonesian guys, let’s show me that you want this firmware! 😀
You are awesome man. I love your work.
thanks man 🙂
thank you turkish friends 😀
hey im really happy and impressed with ur progress in i8910 world .ur gr8 and to get to another level can u plz intergrate n97 widget screen to our omnia hd ? 😈 😈

mate it’s more likely to get Symbian^3 hs working on HD, than N97 hs…
even if both experiments have looow chance of success 🙂
also plz kindly luk at the htc manila home screen
i kn it is difficul but not impossible for u!! 😛 😆
ok I will ^^
ı like very well this turkish fw.and we waiting your new turkish speed fw. 😉
Thx faenil for tr loc.
no problem fw
good menu KS
good home menu
hx v3.29 out
n2o2 tr loc. in
faniel is it possible to make hd multitouch ? 💡 💡 i dnt think cause it need atleast 1ghz cpu am i ryt?? ❓ ❓ also i have a bug sm tymes sensor got disable automatically in ur latest rm euro version with task 3d 😐 😐 wot to do? ❓
sensor got disables? what do you mean?
by the way, no you’re not right :D…the multitouch just need a proper implementation in the operating system, and we just don’t have it (we can’t code it by ourself, that would be too difficult..)
hope it is clear now 🙂
thanks a lot..
you doing great and wonderful job. best regard
thanks mate 😉
cheers 🙂